





1. 菜籽油炒菜:在烹饪过程中,使用菜籽油代替其他食用油,如花生油、葵花籽油等。这样既保证了营养摄入,又能改善睡眠质量。

2. 菜籽油拌面:在制作面条时,加入适量的菜籽油,不仅能增加口感,还能为身体补充营养,改善睡眠。

3. 菜籽油做汤:在煮汤时,加入一些菜籽油,既能提鲜,又能为身体带来丰富的营养。

4. 菜籽油涂抹面包:将菜籽油涂抹在面包上,作为早餐食用,既能提供能量,又能改善睡眠。







1. 挖取全株:在采集地,找到生长良好的乌头植株,用锄头或铲子将其连同根部一起挖出。

2. 摘取子根:将挖出的全株抖去泥土,轻轻摘取子根(附子),注意不要损伤。

3. 去除须根:将摘取的子根去掉须根,即为“泥附子”。



1. 生川乌:将泥附子洗净,去皮,切成长薄片,晒干。生川乌多用于外用,如治疗风冷牙痛、疥癣等。

2. 制川乌:将生川乌放入清水中浸泡,去除部分毒性,然后煮沸或蒸煮,至内部无白心,口尝微有麻舌感时取出,晾至六成干,切片,干燥。制川乌可用于内服,治疗风寒湿痹、肢体疼痛等。

3. 甘草制川乌:将泡好的川乌与甘草同煮,至内外发软,闷润1日,切薄片,晒干。川乌每100kg,用甘草10kg。

4. 甘草、白矾制川乌:将甘草煎煮两次,2次滤液与白矾混合,与泡好的川乌同煮,至内无白心,口尝稍有麻辣感时,捞出,晾至七成干,闷润,切片,干燥。川乌每100kg,用甘草0.5kg,白矾3.5kg。

5. 甘草、黑豆、白矾制川乌:取泡至微有麻辣感的川乌,与甘草、黑豆、白矾汤共煮至内无白心,取出,微晾,切1.5mm厚片子,晾干。



1. 选择干燥、通风、避光的环境进行储存。

2. 将加工好的生乌头或制川乌放入干燥的容器中,密封保存。

3. 定期检查储存环境,确保无潮湿、霉变现象。

4. 避免与农药、化肥等有毒物质接触。



### 肉桂的益处:

1. **抗氧化作用**:肉桂中含有丰富的抗氧化剂,如肉桂醛,可以清除体内的自由基,对抗氧化应激,有助于预防慢性疾病。

2. **调节血糖**:研究表明,肉桂可以帮助调节血糖水平,对于糖尿病患者来说,适量食用肉桂可能有助于控制血糖。

3. **促进消化**:肉桂中的某些成分有助于促进消化系统的健康,减轻胃部不适。

4. **抗菌和抗炎**:肉桂具有一定的抗菌和抗炎作用,可以用于治疗某些感染性疾病。

5. **改善心血管健康**:肉桂可能有助于降低胆固醇和改善血液循环,从而对心血管健康有益。

6. **缓解疼痛**:肉桂中的某些成分具有镇痛作用,可以用于缓解轻微的疼痛。

### 肉桂的用途:

1. **烹饪用途**:肉桂是许多菜肴和烘焙食品中的常用香料,如咖喱、烘焙食品和越南的传统菜肴pho。

2. **饮品**:肉桂可以用于制作肉桂咖啡、肉桂红茶等饮品,增添独特的风味。

3. **中草药**:在中医中,肉桂常用于治疗寒症、痛经、脾胃虚弱等症状。


4. **健康食品**:在健康食品和补充剂中,肉桂提取物被用于其潜在的药用效果。


5. **美容护肤**:一些护肤产品中也加入了肉桂提取物,认为其具有抗氧化和促进血液循环的作用。

6. **其他用途**:肉桂还被用于家居香薰,以增添温馨氛围。




1. **降低胆固醇**:野燕麦含有丰富的可溶性纤维,尤其是β-葡聚糖,这种纤维能够降低血液中的低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(俗称“坏胆固醇”),从而有助于预防心血管疾病。

2. **稳定血糖**:野燕麦的血糖生成指数(GI)较低,这意味着它能够缓慢释放糖分到血液中,有助于糖尿病患者或需要控制血糖水平的人。


3. **促进肠道健康**:野燕麦中的膳食纤维可以促进肠道蠕动,有助于预防便秘,并且可以吸附肠道中的有害物质,帮助排出体外。


4. **增强免疫力**:野燕麦含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,如维生素B、E、铁、锌等,这些营养素有助于增强人体的免疫系统。

5. **减肥瘦身**:由于野燕麦的纤维含量高,饱腹感强,可以帮助控制食欲,减少过量摄入热量,对于减肥瘦身有一定的帮助。

6. **预防癌症**:野燕麦中的某些成分具有抗癌潜力,可以抑制肿瘤的生长。

7. **抗炎作用**:野燕麦含有抗氧化物质,具有抗炎作用,有助于减轻炎症。


8. **调节血压**:野燕麦中的钾和其他矿物质有助于维持正常的血压水平。

9. **促进心脏健康**:野燕麦中的营养素可以降低心脏病风险,保护心脏健康。

10. **改善睡眠**:野燕麦中的色氨酸有助于提高褪黑激素水平,有助于改善睡眠质量。



1. **疏散风热**:牛蒡子性辛、苦,微寒,归肺、胃经,具有疏散风热的功效。对于外感风热引起的感冒、发热、头痛等症状,牛蒡子能够帮助缓解。

2. **宣肺透疹**:在麻疹治疗中,牛蒡子有很好的作用,可以帮助麻疹透发,对于麻疹初期透发不畅的情况,牛蒡子常与其他发散药同用。



3. **解毒利咽**:牛蒡子对于咽喉肿痛、咽喉炎等风热所致的咽喉疾病,有很好的解毒利咽作用。常与桔梗、金银花、连翘等药材配伍使用。

4. **通便**:牛蒡子富含膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,对于便秘有一定的改善作用。

5. **止咳祛痰**:对于外感风热引起的咳嗽、痰多等症状,牛蒡子能起到止咳祛痰的效果,常与荆芥、桔梗、浙贝母等药材配伍。

6. **用于风疹和过敏**:牛蒡子对于风疹、过敏等皮肤病有一定的治疗效果。


7. **外用**:牛蒡子也可外用,对于头部和面部风毒引起的红肿、热毒牙痛、牙龈肿痛、痔疮、风湿痛、肢节挛缩等症状有一定的治疗作用。



1. **生态平衡的维护者**:寄生植物在生态系统中扮演着重要的角色。它们的存在有助于维持生物多样性,因为它们通常与特定的寄主植物共生,这种共生关系有助于维持生态系统的稳定。

2. **药材来源**:许多寄生植物具有药用价值。例如,桑寄生、菟丝子等,它们在中医药中有着广泛的应用,可以用于治疗多种疾病,如腰膝酸软、筋骨痿软无力、风湿痹痛等。

3. **土壤肥力的调节者**:寄生植物通过其根系与土壤的互动,可以促进土壤中养分的循环和利用。它们可以改善土壤结构,增加土壤的肥力。

4. **环境净化的作用**:寄生植物与寄主植物共同参与光合作用,吸收二氧化碳,释放氧气,有助于改善空气质量。同时,它们还能吸附空气中的尘埃和有害物质,净化环境。


5. **防止水土流失**:寄生植物通常具有较发达的根系,能够有效地固定土壤,防止水土流失。这对于保持土壤的肥沃和生态系统的健康至关重要。

6. **生物多样性的促进者**:寄生植物的存在为其他生物提供了食物和栖息地。它们为昆虫、鸟类等动物提供了食物来源,同时也为它们提供了栖息和繁殖的场所。

7. **自然景观的丰富者**:寄生植物因其独特的生长方式和多样的形态,为自然景观增添了丰富的色彩和层次感,美化了环境。

8. **科学研究的新资源**:寄生植物的研究对于生物学、生态学、植物学等领域具有重要意义。它们是科学家们研究生物共生、生物多样性、生态恢复等问题的宝贵资源。



1. **美白和祛斑**:鳄鱼油中含有丰富的抗氧化物质,能够帮助抑制酪氨酸酶的活性,阻断黑色素细胞的形成,从而有助于淡化色斑和美白肌肤。


2. **修复疤痕**:鳄鱼油中的营养成分能够修复皮肤细胞,对于疤痕有很好的修复作用。

3. **促进细胞再生**:鳄鱼油具有活血化瘀、激活细胞再生的功能,可以加速新陈代谢,促使皮肤细胞加快新老交替,保持皮肤细胞的青春态。

4. **保湿和滋润**:鳄鱼油的理化特性与人体脂肪特别相近,具有良好的渗透性,能够为皮肤细胞提供充足的营养和微量元素,增加皮肤的透明感和滋润度。


5. **抗氧化**:鳄鱼油具有强大的抗氧化作用,可以保护皮肤免受阳光紫外线的伤害,延缓皮肤衰老。

6. **增强免疫功能**:鳄鱼油能够刺激人体免疫细胞产生抗体,提高免疫功能,吞噬病菌病毒,减少肌肤的感染和炎症。

7. **改善肌肤问题**:对于皮肤干裂出血、糜烂、冻伤、烫伤、蚊虫叮咬、脚气等肌肤问题,鳄鱼油也有一定的改善和修复作用。


– **正确使用**:要按照说明书或专业人士的建议正确使用鳄鱼油,以免引起不必要的皮肤问题。


– **过敏测试**:在开始使用之前,建议先进行皮肤过敏测试,确保没有不良反应。

– **选择正规产品**:购买鳄鱼油时,要选择正规渠道和品牌,确保产品的质量和安全性。



1. **医疗领域**:
– **血液净化**:在医疗领域,特别是血液净化治疗中,所谓的“净化丸”可能指的是一种用于血液净化的药物或治疗手段。这种净化丸能够通过特定的作用原理,如吸附、氧化、诱导等,清除血液中的毒素和有害物质,改善血液循环,调节免疫,从而预防和治疗多种疾病,如心脑血管疾病、糖尿病、高血压等。它可以帮助恢复血液质量,达到类似于婴儿时期纯净血液的状态。


2. **健康保健领域**:
– **排毒养颜**:在健康保健领域,“净化丸”可能是一种保健品,旨在通过排除体内毒素,改善皮肤状态,增强免疫力,提升整体健康水平。它可能含有多种中草药成分,如清热解毒的药材,帮助调节身体亚健康状态。

3. **环境净化**:
– **空气净化**:在环境净化方面,“净化丸”可能指的是一种用于净化空气的化学物质或装置。例如,某些植物如“十大功劳”能够通过其叶片吸附灰尘、净化空气,起到类似空气净化器的作用。


4. **家居生活**:
– **家居美化**:在家庭生活中,“净化丸”可能指的是某些植物,如短毛丸仙人球,它们不仅具有观赏价值,还能净化空气,美化家居环境。

– **净化血液**:通过血液净化技术,清除血液中的毒素和有害物质。
– **排毒养颜**:帮助排除体内毒素,改善皮肤状态,增强免疫力。
– **空气净化**:吸附有害气体,净化室内空气。
– **美化家居**:作为观赏植物,美化家庭环境。


This is not the case in feng du.

His body is made of the bones of many strong men, but it can’t be compared with the violet body.
Just a few melee battles, his body is black and blue and broken!
Taiyi brushed the dust with 3,000 dust filaments, and it was a big scar and bloody.
Three treasures jade ruyi hit the body is a big hole.
The edge of violet sword is even more terrible!
If he hadn’t fought against the violet sword with a few imperial soldiers, his body would have been cut in two!
Even if he doesn’t die, he will be weakened.
"Huang Wu, this violet body of yours is really good, and it will be mine in the future!"
Feng du suddenly screamed, accompanied by a flickering light between the eyebrows, and a very terrible force fluctuated. Suddenly, generate came out and mourned towards Su Mo!
This force arrival heaven and earth suddenly became quiet.
All is silent!
There has been no terror and coercion in two thousand years, and it is shrouded in three thousand circles!
This is the power of the great god!
A jack-o’-lantern wafted in!
Feng du wants Emperor Yuan God to directly destroy Su Mo Yuan God!
In the face of this attack, Su Mo’s calm look seems to have been expected.
In fact, after his realm reached the quasi-emperor, his realm of Yuan God has reached the great achievement of emperor realm.
After two thousand years of wandering and wandering, he experienced the grief of leaving his family, and his mind became stronger and stronger, and he understood many forbidden arts.
Although due to the realm method, the real forbidden art is released, but with the understanding of these forbidden arts, the divine power of other elements is also rising!
Now it has reached the level of perfection of the emperor’s territory.
Of course, the emperor’s perfection is still unable to withstand the occult sciences of feng du Yuan God.
Su Mo’s eyes are full of empty shadows, and the blood vision behind him is integrated.
A mysterious river emerged behind him.
Su Mo stood tall in the long river of years with a brush and a sword on his foot.
The ancient and modern secret methods of fighting and fighting are urging!
Su Mo’s physical yuan divine power soared again!
In the case of consuming Shou Yuan in one breath for ten thousand years, his divine power has surpassed the limit of emperor’s perfection and approached the emperor!
That’s enough
Dragon secret method!
Nirvana silence is the last of the three secret laws in Prajna Nirvana Sutra!
Cooperate with violet sword released a yuan god attack!
Three top Yuan Shen hermetic generate came out and rushed towards feng du Yuan Shen hermetic.
At the same time, Su Mo knows that the golden light in the sea is filled with Sanskrit, and the buddhas emerge and the dragons are singing together!
Violet Yuan Shen is sitting in the Twelve Nature Lotus Terraces, with his hands folded, his eyebrows lowered, and his eyes drooped. Different lotus caves spewed out glowing rays around him.
The petals around are closed to protect the violet Yuan God and form an airtight defense barrier!
Su Mo didn’t dare to be careless about the instant Yuan God’s offensive and defensive cards, and tried his best to resist feng du’s occult arts.
Feng du Yuanshen is really powerful and can be matched.
But no matter how strong he is, he is limited.

Yu Guihai ate the food with relish. To tell the truth, he has eaten all kinds of spiritual meals over the years, but none of them are as sweet as the food cooked by this mother herself.

"After you get married, have a baby as soon as possible, and I can bring you the area while I can still move." Zhao Yun made a wish and was very happy, and some of them said that they would have a long life.
"Mother is not so fast, and the consequence of our strong practitioner is that it is difficult to have children." Yu Guihai said casually.
It’s true what he said. Generally speaking, the stronger you are, the harder it is to have offspring, but he obviously forgot that some people are exceptions.
"You’re wrong. Lin Sheng and Yan Yue are both fit and strong. It’s very simple to get pregnant. Yan Yue is pregnant for seven months now." Zhao Yun retorted.
"ah! ……”
Yu Guihai one leng reveals a question mark.
Shit! Lu Linsheng, how long did it take to get Yan Yue pregnant?
He hasn’t seen two people for a while, and he really doesn’t know about it.
"Ha ha, mother’s old family, you know it’s unreasonable." Yu Guihai laughed.
"Don’t forget that you also have the same bloodline." Yu Renlong said that he was amazing when he didn’t talk.
"…" Yu Guihai’s tone was sluggish and immediately argued, "I have more blood in Lao Yu’s family."
"You look down on your brother and sister" Yu Renlong stared and pointed to the quintuplets next to him.
"…" Yu Guihai
"Then look at the total fate, and don’t rush you." Yu Guihai said no more and continued to beat his face.
"In fact, Haige and I already have it." A mosquito comes next to it.
Turned to see ning mei son is low head dare not look at his face red.
"What do you have?" Yu Guihai asked puzzled.
Now everyone is discussing the problem of having children, but you say you have one.
"What? You "Yu Guihai suddenly got a face of consternation.
"Silly son, what else can I have? Of course, I have your blood." Zhao Yun laughed.
"…" Yu Guihai doesn’t know what to say at all. Today seems to be his humiliating day.
But he immediately to react.
"So I’m going to be a father!" Yu Gui Hai Da Xi Dao past lives, who is also a father for the first time. Can you be unhappy?
"Baba? What do you mean? " All a face of question marks.
"well! ? It’s my father’s meaning that it’s very novel to hear this name in the dzi-bead world. "Yu Guihai didn’t expect to bring the past nouns with him as soon as he was happy, and quickly explained it a little."
Then god read it out and immediately looked at Ning Mei-er from the inside out. There really is a little life in her belly, and generate is constantly giving birth to a pulse of life, from which it seems to have a cordial meaning.
This is blood inheritance.
Yu Guihai was overjoyed and then said, "Half a year is too long for my father and mother. I think we should get married in two months."
Before his wedding, he also thought about it. The world is feudal, and getting pregnant before marriage is detrimental to face. Although no one dares to talk nonsense according to his situation, there must be someone gossiping behind it
Simply getting married early is too many months to make people laugh behind their backs.
"All right, it’s November 11th this year. It’s also a good day." Yu Renlong nodded in agreement. He specially looked for someone to see the different days and picked out all the good days of this year or two.
A message is like the wind flying through the five spirit worlds.
On November 11th, the ancestors of the mysterious ancestors got married in Yunmiao Mountain.
Everyone who knows this is not surprised, so powerful and powerful terrorists are married?
If Yu Guihai knows that he has to swear, why can’t he get married?
Then a storm swept through the five spirit worlds.
People from all walks of life, big and small, but those with connections are all attending Yu Guihai’s wedding preparations. This is the best time to please the first person in the world.
Those who are not qualified to attend the wedding, including several mortals, have taken action after learning about it. Although they can’t attend the wedding, they can do it themselves.
Originally, five years later, the wedding went directly to November 11 this year. If you get married on the same day with the ghost ancestor, you will definitely be able to get some fairy dust to bless the family’s prosperity. Besides, it will be a shame to say it later.
At that time, all kinds of rare things were out of stock, and the demand for wedding gifts soared. The wedding shop sold the warehouse directly.
Even in the next few decades, every November, 11% of the relatives will increase several times than usual, which is several times that of forming a special double eleven festival in the whole five spirits world, and the sales of various shops will increase sharply on this day.
Yu Guihai naturally doesn’t know about it. Every day, in addition to adding some spare time, he accompanies Ning Mei’s son and his parents and family, and occasionally makes room to visit some old friends.