
1. **润肺化痰**:黄芥子具有入肺经的特性,能够帮助缓解因肺燥引起的咳嗽、气喘、气逆、痰多粘腻等症状。它通过温肺平喘的作用,有助于改善呼吸系统的疾病。


2. **消肿止痛**:黄芥子能促进血液循环,对于因气血瘀滞引起的胸痛、肋痛、痛经、月经不调、跌打损伤等症状有一定的缓解作用。其消肿止痛的效果,对于关节肿胀、肢体麻木等也有一定的疗效。


3. **温中散寒**:黄芥子具有温经通络的作用,适用于治疗胃寒痛、痹痛、头痛等症状。它能够促进机体新陈代谢,温经通络,对胃寒冷痛、痹痛、头痛等有较好的治疗效果。

4. **散结通络**:对于痰湿流注肌肉、凝聚不散引起的阴疽肿痛,黄芥子常与其他药材配合使用,如阳和汤中的黄芥子与熟地、鹿角胶等药材同用,具有很好的散结消肿效果。

5. **止咳化痰**:在治疗呼吸系统疾病,如慢性支气管炎、阻塞性肺气肿、支气管哮喘等疾病时,黄芥子常与其他药材配伍使用,以增强止咳化痰的效果。

6. **温肺平喘**:对于含痰咳嗽、气喘、痰多等症状,黄芥子可以起到温肺平喘的作用,减轻患者病症。




### 功效

1. **祛风除湿**:半枫荷具有祛风除湿的功效,对于风湿性关节炎、类风湿关节炎、腰肌劳损、慢性腰腿痛等疾病有很好的缓解作用。

2. **舒筋活血**:它能够舒筋活血,适用于治疗半身不遂、跌打损伤、扭挫伤等症状。


3. **止血**:半枫荷外用可以治疗刀伤出血,具有很好的止血效果。


4. **消肿止痛**:对于因跌打损伤、扭挫伤引起的局部肿胀和疼痛,半枫荷有良好的消肿止痛作用。

5. **抗病毒**:研究表明,半枫荷对于病毒性肝炎有一定的抗原能力,可以抑制病毒的活性。

### 妙用

1. **药用**:半枫荷的叶子在秋季采集后晒干,可作为药材使用。可以煎汤内服,也可捣碎外敷。

2. **泡茶**:半枫荷的叶子可以用来泡茶,长期饮用有助于保健。

3. **蜂蜜**:湖南源之蜜的半枫荷蜂蜜具有祛风湿、活血散瘀、消肿止痛等功效,对于治疗风湿、腰肌劳损等疾病有显著效果。

4. **外用**:对于刀伤出血、扭挫伤等,可以将半枫荷的叶子捣碎敷于患处。

### 注意事项

1. **保护植物**:半枫荷是国家二级保护植物,我们应该珍惜和合理利用这一资源。

2. **用药咨询**:在使用半枫荷前,建议咨询医生或专业人士,避免不良的药物反应。

3. **质量鉴别**:购买半枫荷产品时,应注意辨别真伪,选择正规渠道购买。



1. **解表散寒**:可乐姜汤中的生姜具有发汗解表的作用,适合用于治疗风寒感冒,能够帮助驱散体内的寒气,缓解感冒引起的头痛、鼻塞等症状。

2. **促进消化**:生姜能够刺激胃肠蠕动,有助于消化,对于因消化不良引起的腹胀、胃胀等有缓解作用。

3. **杀菌解毒**:生姜具有天然的抗菌素特性,能够抑制和消灭某些细菌,如沙门氏菌等,对防治肠胃炎症有积极作用。


4. **防治空调病**:在空调环境中,人们容易因温差导致腹痛、吐泻等症状,可乐姜汤中的生姜可以温胃止呕,有助于防治空调病。

5. **治疗腹痛、呕吐**:夏季高温时,因饮食不当容易引起急性肠胃炎症,适量饮用可乐姜汤可以帮助缓解腹痛、呕吐等症状。


6. **治疗伤风感冒**:夏天吹风扇、开空调或露宿户外容易引发外感风寒,可乐姜汤能够驱寒解热,有助于缓解伤风感冒症状。

7. **缓解疲劳**:可乐中的咖啡因可以提神醒脑,生姜也有助于恢复精神,两者结合可以缓解疲劳。

8. **解暑**:生姜具有提神醒脑的作用,在夏季中暑时,饮用姜汤可以帮助恢复体力。


9. **治疗腰肩疼痛**:夏季酷暑难耐时,有些人冲凉水澡或露宿户外,可能引发腰肩疼痛,可乐姜汤有缓解此类疼痛的效果。


Shen Yuanqi’s body has quietly changed and become a kind of fairy spirit, which makes people feel that he is handsome and handsome, and his handsome body is even more natural and unrestrained!

The avenue is armed and the source is unified!
All the magic powers, the five elements of chaos, and the weapons that attack this avenue can be absorbed.
It can be said that all sources of mana can absorb this method without hurting!
However, this robe can be absorbed once a day, which is similar to not moving mountains and seas.
Shen Yuanqi succeeded in refining, and Yang Xiu and others immediately got the third set of avenue armed forces.
Yang xiu specially to the dark devil’s query finally said
"Sure enough, San Jiazong lost this avenue.
And it’s not that one so-called St. Jiazong 36th Avenue has lost five sets of armed forces.
It is said that it is the struggle between the clans that leads to the loss. "
Shen Yuanqi laughed and said, "Do you think we don’t buy all these materials?"
Fu Xialiang shook his head and said, "It’s meaningless and not worth it!"
"It’s meaningless if we set aside nine sets."
"Are you still attending this Tiance Conference?"
"If you come, why don’t you attend!"
Just when everyone was studying, Wei Guo suddenly appeared strangely.
He looked at Yang Xiu as if shouting something and then disappeared immediately.
Yang xiu is one leng. What does this mean?
How did Wei Guo appear?
What does he mean?
Yang xiu suddenly white home had an accident.
He immediately returned to Qiandao Lake.
Several other people followed him here.
But nothing is going on at home. Everything is fine.
Yang Xiu knew in his heart that something big must have happened, and he immediately went to Zhuji City.
If something happens, you can save your parents and take your family away.
Fei dun left him and sent a flying symbol to Lao Jixiang.
"escape! Far away! "
Just to Zhuji City, there are still three miles left, and suddenly Su Xiaomei appears.
"Yang Laosan, I smell a lot of strange smells. Something’s wrong. Go quickly!"
Su Xiaomei came out to warn her that her strength is much worse than Wei Guo’s.
Yang xiu nodded and was about to answer. Suddenly, tears in her heart could not help falling.
This is Wan Li’s sorrow and return to emptiness. When the truth falls, all life will feel sad and he will cry.
This is Zhuji City, representing the three old Tibetan gods. One person has fallen.
Yang xiu was shocked that this was a death?
Then this sad feeling appeared again and again for 17 times.
This is all from afar, Qingzhou, far away.

The magic horn is the magic horn of Doyle, which can change the future cause and effect.

These are the magic attachments in the Nine Trails of Immortal Cultivation! "
Yang xiu said, "this guy is amazing for three thousand years? I’m afraid it’s Yuan Ying Zhen Jun? "
Fu Xialiang said, "The foundation has a life span of 200 to 300, and the elixir has a life span of 100 to 3000, and the baby has a life span of 10,000 years!
He is the prime of life and must be Yuan Ying. "
Zhang Yue laughed and said, "What about Yuan Ying? Not killed by us! "
Fu Xialiang nodded and said, "We killed the absolutely immortal sword, Luo Jinxian’s bloody dress!"
The three of them laughed together!
It’s a pity that Xingji was killed by "The Sword of Nine Clouds" and was so fascinated that nothing was left here.
Yang Xiu said, "Let’s go back!"
"The horse should not stay here! Don’t have any more accidents! "
Three people immediately return.
Suddenly a flash only to find that they are in a virtual root did not return!
No accident, there must be an accident.
Three people glances don’t know how to deal with.
Suddenly, a poor force appeared in front of them to form Guanghua.
This Guanghua looks like a large Yang soul is ten thousand times bigger.
What’s this all about?
The Guanghua suddenly said "three please.
I am Penai Jiuyang, the world where you come here to test your feet! "
Three people dumbfounded. What’s going on?
Which nai jiuyang said slowly "life should not be enslaved.
Creatures should not be raised.
Although I am a Taoist priest trained by Taiyi Sect, I am not reconciled. I don’t like this kind of life. "
This words say Yang Xiu nodded and he felt the same way and asked
"What do seniors need us to do?"
Penai Jiuyang went on to say, "Is that your sword just now" The Immortal Sword of Nine Clouds "?"
The other party has recognized what else to hide.
Yang Xiu said, "It’s a senior!"
Which nai jiuyang seems very happy and said
"I want to make a contract with you.
Come back to my world when you are strong. Kill me with "The Sword of Nine Clouds". I don’t want to be a slave of Taiyi Sect! "
Three people are frightened each other to find themselves turned out to be begging for death.
But they know whether Penai will die after Jiuyang, and they are not sure that they will not promise to die immediately now!
Yang xiu couldn’t help but say, "ok, no problem!
Predecessors, in fact, I have also been kept in captivity. Our world is just sad … "
He’s in sympathy.
Which nai jiuyang nodded and said
⑧ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ 931
"You kill me not yet. You go back and continue to practice.
I’ll drag you here again when you are all in the Tsukiji realm.
When the time comes, you can understand the avatar, the leader of Six Yang.
You can die once if you have the magical power of Six Yang!
Then I’ll drag you here when you reach the realm of the elixir, so that you can get the magical nine poles.
Then you kill me in Jiuyangji’s "The Sword of Nine Clouds"!
Don’t worry, Taiyi Zong is here. I’ll do something to prevent them from finding you.
And this is my gift! "
Instantly a bearing into Yang Xiusan’s brain!
Taiyi Miaohua One Yuan Yi Qi Destiny Sutra
One or three people are stupid and hard to believe.
"This is our core bearing of Taiyi Zong.
Although I am a Taoist soldier, I have also received this commitment from the core periphery of Taiyi Sect
It’s this one that has a foundation for refining gas. After Dan Yuanying became a god, there is no such thing.
This is my gift. I hope it is for you! "

The third abyss in the crack of stars

The Luo Cha clan with wings gave out a series of strange calls, and the Yaksha clan flew out of the abyss with a ferocious look, fierce eyes and a violent breath!
Wu Daozun once saw ten Rogue in Hungry Ghost Road and also appeared in succession.
Tie Rogue with a scroll in his left hand and a sword in his right hand.
From the knot Rogue hands holding the cymbals.
Shi Ji Rogue handheld flower cage
There are also Shi Hei Rogue being sent to Rogue, Rogue holding China, Rogue, Rogue, Motome and Luo Cha.
Ten Rogue department is the peak emperor!
Nine You Emperor was once Motome Luo Cha, a ten-girl middle school in Luo Cha!
Besides ten Rogue, there are big hags.
Baoxian Yaksha Manxian Yaksha Scattered Yaksha Weishen Yaksha Should Read Yaksha Big Full Yaksha Juli Yaksha Dense Yaksha
The big hag is also the peak of the emperor, and he is more powerful, poor, cruel and tyrannical!
At the end of the Ten Rogue and the Big Hag, a large black fog surged.
An old woman was looming in the dark fog.
When this black fog comes near, all the black fog enters the entrance swallowed by the old woman.
In full view, the old woman was radiant and turned into a beautiful woman wearing a black robe and smelling of mature charm.
Brahma Gui Mu arrives!
The celestial Lord appeared.
Six ways here, the ghost Lord Brahma, Gui Mu Asura, the demon Lord, the beast Lord and the evil emperor also arrived!
If you count five of the great emperors in the Thousand-Thousand-World Budo Zun and the Butterfly Moon Vanishing Heaven camp, there are still three less than the Heavenly Emperor!
A great emperor will have a great influence on the situation.
What’s worse, three
Brahma Gui Mu’s beautiful eyes glanced at Wu Daozun and Butterfly Moon and suddenly smiled and laughed. "If the two men were good, maybe feng du could take the last step to cut the three corpses and prove that the Emperor’s chances of winning the day would be one more point."
Brahma Gui Mu said this politely, but the implication was still to express his dissatisfaction with Wudao Zun and Butterfly Moon.
However, she also knows that feng du is dead soon, and there is no need to make bad friends with Butterfly Moon in this matter.
Wu Daozun and Butterfly Moon frowned at the same time and looked cold.
Asura’s army, many unscrupulous beasts rushed out of the abyss, and they were disciplined and did not make a move when the demon Lord and the evil emperor were shocked.
However, the armies of Luo Cha and Hag rushed out of the abyss and came to the middle world, but they were not idle
Many hags’ eyes are shining with bloodthirsty light, and their bodies move towards the stars and interfaces where thousands of people live nearby, and they are murderous!
The Luo Cha Yaksha are ferocious, tyrannical and murderous by nature.
What’s more, in the past few eras, they were forced to fight in the three thousand worlds when they came to the middle thousand world.
This group of Luo Cha clan and Hag clan are ready to kill when they arrive here from the ghost world!
No one near the stars and interface roots can resist the killing of this group of Luo Cha and Hag!
Not only Wudao Zun and Butterfly Moon Brahma Gui Mu also noticed this scene.
But she turned a blind eye and didn’t stop. She was still talking to Butterfly Moon in Wudao Zun.
Butterfly Moon looked indifferent and suddenly said, "You’d better mind your group of people. If you can’t, I’ll help you."
"What did you say?"
Brahma Gui Mu raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes. He stared at Butterfly Moon with a pale face and slowly asked, "Are you threatening me?"
At the mouth of the butterfly moon, Wu Daozun has been watching and guarding against the demon Lord.
Wu Daozun believes that the evil emperor should not encourage the beast army to kill the koo.
But he can’t decide what the devil will do.
They have the same goal to conquer heaven!
The devil wants to win him over, or altruistic conquest of heaven.
And if he wants to defeat heaven, he will also benefit from the strength of the evil Lord and Emperor.
Because of this, two people can temporarily close.
However, the merger between the two parties is not firm.
After all, the Tao is different
Brahma Gui Mu still didn’t stop the Luo Cha people and the Hag people from saying, "You’d better figure out who you’re talking to!"
Butterfly month just tone let her heart great anger!
This butterfly in the world suppressed feng du in front of them, and she just put up with it.
Now this blood butterfly dares to talk to her like this?
Even in the world, how many people dare to threaten her?

"Martial Uncle De, you’ve just come to Bi Xiufeng’s younger brother, Yu Duxiu, who is just about to ask Martial Uncle what to do with it".

De laughed coldly. "Palm teaching is a white man who should know that the cause of this matter is not Miaoxiu. If Palm teaching wants to punish, it is necessary to punish those younger brothers who pick things up first, if they don’t block Miaoxiu’s way, Miaoxiu will do it again."
Speaking of this, Germany looked at Zhang Jiao. "I asked Zhang Jiao what you should do if someone blocks your way?"
Looking at Zhang Jiao’s lip micro-motion will lead to a cold way of saying, "Zhang Jiao can’t say some big words to fool me. If so, then Zhang Jiao will stay in my Bixiufeng bar. Sometimes I stop Zhang Jiao’s way every day and see Zhang Jiao as a friend."
De’s sharp words touched his lips and eventually he could sigh, "That being said, it is a fact that Miao Xiu is cruel."
"Cruelty is one thing, but it depends on the cause of the matter. It is necessary to severely punish the orthodox school for provoking and destroying the unity of the clan. This pick-up talent is the source of the unity of the clan. If you look at the surface and don’t pursue the source, don’t blame me for Bi Xiufeng’s failure." Germany’s sharp words quickly pushed the blame and buckled it on those younger brothers
What’s going on in fact? Everyone knows clearly that it’s not that everyone is greedy for jade to stand out from the dust, but that they are greedy for a share. It’s such a thing that everyone dares not choose. After all, everyone wants to face people.
In the field of discourse, everyone looked at the silence in the palm of his hand except for the groaning of his brother who was injured by Yu Duxiu.
"Germany, according to you, my brother was injured by Miaoxiu. Is this a white beating?" An elder in Yinxiufeng looked straight at De with gloomy eyes.
"You deserve it." De sneered.
"You …" The elder was trembling with anger, and his fingers were trembling, pointing to what De wanted to say but didn’t say it.
"Forget it, everyone will have a hard time. It hurts everyone’s kindness for no reason," an elder said.
Jade Duxiu looked at the elder with a little surprise. How could there be such a kind person?
Palm teaching is also one leng. Are these old guys going to stop when they see that they can’t take advantage of it?
Germany is also scratching their heads
The elder smiled and looked at Yu Duxiu. "Wonderful show, you have gained a lot in the cave of dust, whether it’s Dan Jing or chaotic mother gas, it’s a treasure. You will hurt these brothers and we don’t want you to take any responsibility. It’s good to take out this treasure to compensate several injured brothers, or you will do it without authorization."
The elder looked at Yu Duxiu with a smile. Hello, you think about it.
Jade Duxiu sneered, "The elder bullied me when I was young, and wanted to take my treasure. You should know that the friendship of the same family will not be destroyed. These idiots are virtuous and can’t compare with these heavy treasures. If the elder wants to take my treasure, please say it’s a previous audience. A senior said that the friendship of the same family is different. Is it not true?"
Jade Duxiu looked directly at the elder with indifferent eyes. The elder was angry when he heard the news. "Miaoxiu, you really don’t know how to be original. This is what you should know to get rid of your guilt. It is a felony to injure your classmate. If you can take out the treasure, it will be a good thing to make amends."
"After all, I didn’t want to take my treasure. Did the elders forget the previous friendship …" Speaking of which, Jade Duxiu pulled the scanning field. "It seems that it is my fault. If it weren’t for these idiots who stopped my way, I would hurt them without authorization."
"So that the elders can know that the first move is not being original," said Yu Duxiu, with his hands behind him. "These people stopped me from making moves to me without authorization, and I was hurt by it. It’s also deserved it. I’m going to make them make moves. Please give me a lesson."
Jade Duxiu’s words are watertight and coherent. What the elders said earlier about the friendship of the same family is a cocoon, but the friendship of the same family is like taking the magic weapon of Jade Duxiu.
"It’s true that you hurt my roommate," an elder thundered.
Jade Duxiu simply turned a deaf ear and looked up at the sky.
When the elder saw Jade Duxiu, he ignored his anger, but he was afraid that Jade Duxiu’s strength would not dare to make a move casually. He could look angrily at Zhang Jiao and ask Zhang Jiao to make decisions.
"Please also ask the Zhang Jiao to be the master." Everyone shouted to kick the ball to the Zhang Jiao. You know, it is not just the elders who will take advantage of it, but the Zhang Jiao will also get a piece of the action.
It’s difficult to teach in the palm of your hand, but at this time, you have to bite the bullet and say, "Miao Xiu’s previous words of the elder are straightforward but reasonable. No matter who is right or wrong, it’s true that you have injured your classmate. If you hand over the treasure compensation to several classmates, you won’t be held accountable. Otherwise, you can’t escape the punishment of the door rules."
Jade Duxiu looked at Zhang Jiao’s mouth and hung a faint sarcasm without words.
While Germany sneered, "My brother is wrong, but aren’t those wounded brothers wrong?" If Zhang Jiao punishes Miao Xiu, he needs a bowl of water to be flat. "
Palm teach glance at the presence of all finally a sigh gently forced to last resort.
"How many of you deserve to be injured before you provoked? Today, you will be punished for being closed for one hundred years. Can you ever be angry?" Look at the beaten brother.
SIRS brother Nuo Nuo dare not refute.
After that, I looked at Yu Duxiu. "Wonderful show, although you are passive in defense, it is not good to take sides with your classmates in the front seat and punish you for cleaning the fallen leaves on Zongmen Mountain Road for a hundred years. Are you angry?"
Yu Duxiu looked at Zhang Jiao with an expression on his face. Can he teach without words or words? If you are not angry, can you be like this? Unless he defected from Taiping Road, he fled from Taiping Patriarch after he defected from Taiping Road.
See jade Duxiu wordless palm to teach a slight sigh in the heart and said sternly, "Come and pay all the instruments of Miaoxiu’s body to cultivate something and wait until the punishment is over before giving it back."
Jade Duxiu smell speech in the eyes of a divine light to stab the virtual palm to teach around such a long bend and finally wait for him here.
It is said that paying for the cultivation of things naturally includes the chaotic mother gas of the magic weapon Dan Jing
Chapter 24 Calculation is superior

South China Sea Dragon Palace Jinlian casually devoured a pair of eyes in front of a shrimp soldier and looked down at Fang Xu. "Break the long river of fate and see the light. I must find the trail of Hongjun in front of Aole that bitch. Locking the demon tower has now become the key to winning or losing. Who can devour the two old loaches in the tower and who is the strongest in heaven and earth will reproduce the great power of the ancestors?"

"Can all the detectives report back?" Brocade scales look to the side of quasi Long Jun.
"Report to Long Jun according to the news that it is not only we who are waiting for Hongjun to fall, but also the dry day."
"Dry day?" Jin Lin’s eyes showed thoughtful color. "The ghost Lord lifted a stone and hit his own foot, which made Gantiancheng disaster out of control! I didn’t expect this fellow to want to hit your feet in the dry day. This dry day is a good means! If you have the opportunity, you will never mind sending Hongjun to the west. You must complete it before the dry day. Keep an eye on the dry day and don’t give it a chance. "
"Yes," Long Jun heard a respectful ceremony and immediately turned around and went back out …
Chapter 2153 Lack of virtue will make it difficult.
Just after returning to heaven on a dry day, I was in trouble, not ordinary trouble, but great trouble.
You see me, I see you are too aggressive in teaching your ancestors, saying, "God, this man has gradually become a big trend now, but he can’t be tolerated any longer. We should cut off his foundation by thunder."
"It’s better to send him to reincarnation." The Taiping ancestor smiled coldly. "The balance of yin and yang in the world is the fairy’s suppression of dry days. Although it proves the imperial avenue, it is just a quasi-fairy. How can you balance yin and yang? If you want to pacify Yin and Yang, you need reincarnation after 129,600 doom. "
"fellow ~ ~ ~"
After listening to the words of the Taiping ancestor, the ancestors suddenly gasped. Isn’t the fate of 129.6 million saying that this fellow will return to France forever? Sink in samsara forever?
A thousand generations of reincarnation is enough to erase the dry sky, and the innate light is immortal. I call it eternal reincarnation.
"It’s really your Taiping Dao brother’s deity, and it’s also your Taiping Dao. It’s natural to have your Taiping Dao cut off." It’s unexpected that Tai Yi’s ancestor’s eyelids jumped. "To tell the truth, it’s true that it’s a reincarnation of keeping the truth in the dry sky."
"Before it’s too late, let’s go and send the demon race back to life together. This fellow is more than a loser. My Terran has suffered many times. This person has nothing to do with the catastrophe of the Terran in those days. If this person hadn’t colluded with the demon god and given the demon race a chance to intervene in my Terran and China, how could my Terran end up like this?" The ancestor of Taiping angered him and then said, "Now the dry sky is still wandering around the heavens and the earth. It’s really reckless!"
Talking, all the godfathers came to the Lingxiao Hall together, and as soon as the dry day turned around, there was a sudden surge of fear in their hearts, and before they thought about it, they had already met a godfather together.
Looking at a godfather who came in, he suddenly felt a sudden "it’s time to calculate the general ledger!" Even today is doomed! With my glib tongue, the grandfathers will not leave me alone. "
"I’m sorry that I’m too far away to meet you, sir." Dry days never got up and had a presentiment that their doom would tear their faces, so how could they continue to be so hypocritical today?
Listening to the dry talk, many ancestors glanced at Lingxiao Hall and asked the ancestors of Taiping Sect, "Where are the gods?"
"You" sounded in all directions, and then I saw a series of bright divine arrival. The halls of Lingxiao fell to their knees and bowed to the ancestors.
"I’ve seen my godfather!"
"Get up, everyone." The ancestor of Taiping told a group of gods to keep their orders in order and then looked at the dry sky. "Should the ancestor tell you to dry the sky or keep it true?"
"Is there a difference?" In the dry, heavenly heart, I was anxious to look at the appearance in front of me and secretly said, "I don’t know if the jade bodhi old zu has not come yet."
Yu Jing shan zhong
Jade bodhi old zu is not blind to see the movement naturally.
"This old guy now aggressive frame not small! I want to come to the real thing! " Jade bodhi old zu scratched his head "bodhi old zu, I’m looking for hung-chun now, but I don’t want to be involved in this junk of Terran, and this fellow is too restless for me to come forward …"
Jade bodhi old zu is a little difficult at this time. In those days, Jade Duxiu told herself to protect the dry sky. Now the jade bodhi old zu is too playful, but he is too lazy to pay attention to the dry sky.
When I was struggling, suddenly a streamer cut across the sky and fell into the hands of the jade bodhi old zu.
Looking at the old ancestors who are familiar with Fu Yin jade in their hands, they are one leng and then suddenly surprised. "I rely on this little talent reincarnation to restore my memory. Is this fellow illegitimate? This is unreasonable! "
"Do you know the way to balance Yin and Yang in dry days?" Taiping ancestor looked at the dry sky.
"I also know how to practice naturally!" Dry day expression way

The broken thunder entered the purple mansion and fell on the black and white figure. Black and white immediately rendered a series of grays.

Gray, this is chaotic color, which represents the unity of yin and yang.
Seventy or ninety ~ ~
In the end, it is better to rob the thunder than to be hit by Yu Guihai. If one punch is unbreakable, then two punches are unbreakable, then three punches are unbreakable.
Finally, I spent ten times robbing the mine department.
A wave of terror and majesty sent out and everything in the world trembled.
This is heaven and earth, and this is the birth of the master of all things!
Chapter 66 Acceptance and Rooting
Rumble ~ ~ ~
In the sky, the snakes scurried around and robbed the clouds and slowly dispersed.
Yu Guihai felt at ease that "the fitting period has finally arrived!"
A powerful force flows in the body, and an inexplicable cool energy falls from the sky and falls on him, constantly recovering his injuries and consolidating the achievements after promotion.
From the physical body to the Yuan God, his overall strength has greatly improved and qualitatively changed into a higher level.
The fluctuation of Tao fragments has now troubled him, and silence is quietly and constantly emitting some mysterious fluctuation on the unknowable level of other bodies, which has exerted some subtle influence on him.
This world is indeed much stronger than the world before it. After Du Jie, it can also bring great benefits to the breakthrough.
Yu Guihai calls out a slight ash on the interface.
After the upgrade option, the number of points became 1,001 points, which was only reduced by 9 points.
No, there are ten points that he needs to upgrade his immortal dharma practice.
Supposedly, he has upgraded the fairy dharma to the fitting period. Shouldn’t it be at ten o’clock that all the points disappeared? What else needs to be added?
"Is the promotion incomplete?"
Yu Guihai thought of this reason when he moved in his heart. His own breakthrough will definitely not be perfect. Sometime, something unexpected there will cause some minor shortcomings.
There is nothing wrong with these small shortcomings at ordinary times, but with the promotion again and again, the small shortcomings will surely accumulate into big shortcomings and eventually affect other ways.
Say nothing!
"Give me an upgrade!" Yu Guihai immediately meditated.
A new stream of information flooded into his mind where he failed to be perfect.
The new force of the body suddenly runs, and there is a frenzy in the purple mansion. A gray figure stands proudly and five colorful lights shine behind it.
Boom ~ ~
In the sky, the thunder is dispersing, and suddenly it is rapidly condensing again. The silver-red flash is combined with the last force to turn a thunder column into a fierce boom.

According to the scene, the one who destroyed

"Come on, no matter what chariots. No matter how powerful it is, it can’t be worse than what I put in the clock of heaven and earth. "
According to the scene, the one who destroyed the chariot was probably the broken halberd that Fang Yun met. Now that you have got the most powerful halberd, you don’t have to participate in the battle for the wreckage of the car. So as not to be greedy, you will lose big because of small.
Fang Yun knows, however, that there is a "Hall of All Demons" and the Emperor’s Prince and his party hidden in the dark.
The wind swings, Fang Yun without hesitation to another direction.
"Dragon saliva Gentiana!"
"Chaos tung skin!"
"Yin and Yang stretch grass …"
Fang Yun is constantly collecting the medicinal materials here.
"This time, or try to collect enough. Otherwise, out of here, I’m afraid I can’t find it again! It’ s too pale to have a prescription, but there is no material, but it’ s a very troublesome thing. "
Fang Yun frowned slightly while collecting medicinal materials. The value of "Tai Cang Shen Ding" is far above the general ancient instruments. But one problem that he has to face is that it is impossible for him to find so many places with ancient materials.
Besides, there are many strong people here. A conflict, a fight, can easily make this place, devastated. Besides, so many people are staring. It’s impossible for Fang Yun to sweep the whole piece away.
After all, no one is stupid who can cultivate to the realm of six or seven products of Tianchong. Probably, just seeing some bare spots, I guess someone got the formula of the ancient God Dan.
Suddenly, Wu Guang flashed in my mind, and Fang Yun suddenly had to laugh: "Hey! I actually ignored such a simple fact. " A breeze blew, and another flower disappeared out of thin air. Only this time, not only the roots, stems, flowers and leaves on the surface were collected, but even a piece of soil disappeared.
At the same time, just below a mountain peak, there was a newly transplanted herb.
Transplanting the exotic flowers and herbs in the ancient small world into the universal clock of heaven and earth, and establishing a medicine garden. Use the time of "the clock of heaven and earth" to accelerate energy, breed continuously and cultivate herbs! This is Fang Yun’s solution.
The so-called incoming fans, onlookers see clearly. Fang Yun kept thinking about how to collect more herbs, but ignored the simplest fact. With a complete space, Fang Yun can cultivate itself in it.
The concentration of primordial energy in the Middle Ages and the Near Ages is no longer suitable for cultivating ancient plants and medicinal materials. However, this is not a problem. Fang Yun can completely create an ancient environment in it.
"Ha, ha, ha, unexpectedly, I also made such a low-level mistake. Fortunately, I reacted in time. "
Da3 Yun4 smiled and relaxed completely. Now, really speaking, as long as he cultivates the medicine garden. There can be no one here who has gained more than him.
Sometimes, the harvest of killing is not necessarily the biggest!