




















1. 增强免疫力:铁皮石斛中的多糖成分能够激活免疫细胞,提高机体免疫力,从而有效抵御各种疾病。在日常生活中,我们常常会遇到感冒、发烧等小病小痛,而铁皮石斛煲鸡汤能够帮助我们增强免疫力,降低生病的风险。

2. 抵御疾病:铁皮石斛具有抗病毒、抗菌、抗肿瘤等多种作用,有助于预防和治疗多种疾病。在煲鸡汤时加入铁皮石斛,可以使其药效更好地发挥,从而起到抵御疾病的作用。

3. 滋阴养胃:铁皮石斛具有滋阴养胃的功效,对于胃阴不足、口干舌燥、食欲不振等症状有很好的改善作用。在煲鸡汤时加入铁皮石斛,不仅可以提升鸡汤的口感,还能使鸡汤更具营养价值。

4. 抗衰老、抗氧化:铁皮石斛中的抗氧化成分能够清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。长期饮用铁皮石斛煲鸡汤,有助于保持年轻态,提高生活质量。



1. 将铁皮石斛用清水泡发,洗净备用;
2. 鸡肉洗净,切块,焯水去血沫;
3. 红枣洗净,去核;
4. 锅中加入适量清水,放入鸡肉、红枣、姜片和铁皮石斛,大火烧开后转小火煲煮1小时;
5. 最后加入盐调味即可。



### 百合的养生益处:

1. **润肺止咳**:百合具有清肺热、润肺燥的作用,对于咳嗽、痰多、干咳无痰等症状有缓解作用。
2. **清心安神**:百合性微寒,能清心火,有助于缓解心烦、失眠、心悸等心神不安的症状。
3. **养阴生津**:百合具有养阴润燥的功效,适合阴虚火旺的人群食用,有助于改善口干、咽干、便秘等症状。
4. **美容养颜**:百合富含多种维生素和矿物质,有助于养颜美容,保持皮肤弹性和光泽。
5. **抗肿瘤作用**:现代研究表明,百合中含有多种生物活性成分,具有一定的抗肿瘤作用。

### 银耳的养生益处:



1. **润肺滋阴**:银耳含有丰富的水分和胶质,具有润肺滋阴、生津止渴的功效,适用于肺燥咳嗽、口干咽燥等症状。
2. **养胃润肠**:银耳中的膳食纤维有助于养胃润肠,对于便秘有一定的缓解作用。
3. **增强免疫力**:银耳中含有多种氨基酸和维生素,有助于增强机体免疫力,提高抗病能力。
4. **抗衰老**:银耳富含胶原蛋白和天然植物性雌激素,有助于抗衰老,保持皮肤弹性和光泽。
5. **调节血糖**:研究表明,银耳具有一定的调节血糖作用,适合糖尿病患者食用。

### 百合与银耳的搭配食用:


– **润肺养阴**:两者结合,润肺养阴的效果更加显著,适合秋季食用。
– **增强免疫力**:百合和银耳都具有增强免疫力的作用,搭配食用可增强机体的抗病能力。
– **美容养颜**:两者都具有美容养颜的功效,长期食用有助于改善肤色,延缓衰老。


鱼藤,学名为Derris trifoliata Lour.,是一种常见的豆科植物,其根和根茎在中医中常被用作药材。以下是对鱼藤作用的具体解析:

### 功效与作用

鱼藤,学名为Derris trifoliata Lour.,是一种常见的豆科植物,其根和根茎在中医中常被用作药材。以下是对鱼藤作用的具体解析:

1. **散瘀止痛**:鱼藤具有散瘀止痛的功效,常用于治疗跌打肿痛、关节疼痛等症状。

2. **杀虫止痒**:鱼藤对于疥癣、湿疹等皮肤病有很好的治疗效果,外用可以起到杀虫止痒的作用。

3. **清热解表,解毒疗疮**:鱼藤在中医中还被用来治疗感冒头痛、风湿热痹、腹泻、跌打骨折、外伤出血、热毒疮肿、烧烫伤等。

### 药理作用

1. **鱼藤酮**:鱼藤中含有的鱼藤酮具有显著的毒性,对昆虫有很强的杀虫效果,但对高等动物和人类的毒性较低。

2. **麻痹作用**:鱼藤可以使动物的呼吸中枢及血管运动中枢麻痹,导致全身运动和呼吸麻痹。

3. **细胞毒活性**:鱼藤还具有细胞毒活性,可以影响细胞的生长和分裂。

鱼藤,学名为Derris trifoliata Lour.,是一种常见的豆科植物,其根和根茎在中医中常被用作药材。以下是对鱼藤作用的具体解析:

### 用法用量

1. **外用**:适量,研末调敷;或捣敷;或煎水洗。

2. **内服**:一般用量较小,需遵医嘱。

### 注意事项

1. **毒性**:鱼藤含有毒成分,过量使用或误食可能导致中毒。

2. **禁内服**:由于鱼藤的毒性,不建议内服。

3. **过敏反应**:部分人可能对鱼藤过敏,使用时应小心。



1. **治疗肝炎、鼻炎和风湿性关节炎等疾病**:蜂房露具有消炎、抗菌、抗病毒等作用,对治疗肝炎、鼻炎和风湿性关节炎等疾病有显著疗效。


2. **促进机体免疫功能**:研究表明,蜂房露可以促进机体细胞的免疫功能,增强人体的抵抗力。

3. **祛风除湿**:蜂房露具有祛风除湿的功效,对缓解风湿性关节炎、类风湿性关节炎等病症有积极作用。

4. **消肿止痛**:蜂房露中的有效成分能够作用于人体中枢神经,降低对疼痛的敏感度,因此具有很好的止痛效果。

5. **滋补身体,缓解体虚**:蜂房露富含蛋白质、微量元素和多种氨基酸,能滋补身体,缓解体虚,增强身体素质。

6. **抗衰防癌**:蜂房露中的多糖、氨基酸、挥发油、微量元素硒等成分具有抗氧化、抗癌作用,能阻止人体细胞基因突变,减少癌症病毒对细胞的伤害。


7. **美容抗衰**:蜂房露中的营养成分有助于滋养肌肤,淡化色斑,减少皱纹生成,具有美容抗衰的效果。

8. **抗菌防病**:蜂房露中的抗菌消炎成分能消灭人体内的细菌与病毒,润肺润肠,保护肝肾,调节神经功能,促进组织再生。


9. **预防口腔溃疡**:蜂房露中的蜂蜡、蜂胶等成分具有消炎杀菌作用,能促进溃疡面愈合,对口腔溃疡或胃溃疡有治疗作用。

10. **食用方法**:蜂房露可以煮水饮用,具有滋阴润燥、消炎杀菌、抗病毒等功效。



1. **收敛和固涩**:南五味子具有收敛和固涩的作用,可以用于治疗久泻不止、自汗盗汗等症状。

2. **益气生津**:它能够帮助身体补充气津,对于体虚乏力、津伤口渴等状况有良好的改善效果。


3. **补肾宁心**:南五味子对于肾虚引起的遗精、滑精、心悸失眠等症状有一定的缓解作用。


4. **保肝作用**:南五味子含有丰富的有机酸、维生素、类黄酮等成分,可以提高肝脏的解毒能力,减少病毒对肝脏的伤害,促进肝细胞再生,对肝炎和肝损伤有良好的治疗和修复作用。

5. **提高心脏功能**:南五味子中的有效成分能够提高组织细胞的氧气交换效率,防止心肌因缺氧而受损,从而提高心脏功能,预防心脏病的发生。

6. **增强耐力和体力复原**:南五味子能够增强耐力,加速体力复原,对于体力劳动者和运动员来说,具有很好的滋补作用。

7. **对中枢神经系统作用**:南五味子具有镇静作用,能够减少小鼠的自主活动,并具有一定的镇痛和肌肉松弛作用。


8. **延缓衰老**:南五味子中的有效成分具有抗氧化作用,可以清除自由基,抑制过氧化脂质形成,从而起到延缓衰老的作用。

9. **增强免疫力**:南五味子能够增强人体的免疫力,提高身体对疾病的抵抗力。



1. **补气养血**:红枣具有补中益气、养血安神的作用,对于气血两虚、面色苍白、身体虚弱等状况有很好的调理作用。

2. **改善月经不适**:对于女性来说,红枣冰糖水有助于缓解经期不适,如腹痛、腰酸等,对调经理痛有很好的效果。


3. **增强免疫力**:红枣富含多种维生素和矿物质,能够提高人体的免疫力,增强抗病能力。

4. **润肺止咳**:冰糖具有润肺止咳、清热解毒的功效,对于咳嗽、痰多、口干舌燥等症状有很好的缓解作用。


5. **健脾暖胃**:红枣和冰糖都能帮助脾胃虚弱的人改善消化功能,缓解胃痛、胃胀等不适。

6. **美容养颜**:红枣和冰糖水有助于滋润肌肤,使皮肤光滑细腻,对于养颜美容有一定的帮助。

7. **缓解疲劳**:对于经常感到疲劳、体力不支的人群,红枣冰糖水可以提供能量,缓解疲劳感。


8. **适合产后调养**:对于产后妇女,红枣冰糖水可以补充营养,帮助身体恢复。

9. **适合老年人**:老年人饮用红枣冰糖水可以润燥止咳,对于口干舌燥、咳嗽多痰等症状有很好的缓解作用。

10. **促进睡眠**:红枣具有安神的作用,对于失眠多梦的人,适量饮用红枣冰糖水有助于改善睡眠质量。


山柰(学名:Kaempferia galanga L.)是一种在亚洲广泛应用的香料和药用植物,主要分布在东南亚地区。以下是山柰的一些作用解析:

1. **药用价值**:
– **解表发汗**:山柰具有解表发汗的作用,可用于治疗感冒、头痛等症状。
– **温中散寒**:中医认为山柰有温中散寒的功效,适用于脾胃虚寒、消化不良等情况。
– **行气止痛**:山柰还能行气止痛,对胃肠气滞、腹痛等症状有一定的缓解作用。
– **抗菌消炎**:山柰具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,可用于治疗皮肤感染、疮疡等疾病。

2. **烹饪用途**:
– **增香去腥**:山柰具有独特的香气,可用于烹饪中增香去腥,如制作鱼、肉、汤等。
– **调味品**:山柰是东南亚菜肴中常用的调味品,尤其在泰国菜和越南菜中较为常见。

3. **保健作用**:

山柰(学名:Kaempferia galanga L.)是一种在亚洲广泛应用的香料和药用植物,主要分布在东南亚地区。以下是山柰的一些作用解析:

– **抗氧化**:山柰富含抗氧化物质,有助于清除体内的自由基,预防细胞老化。
– **调节血脂**:山柰具有一定的调节血脂作用,有助于降低血脂水平,预防心血管疾病。

4. **美容养颜**:
– **保湿滋润**:山柰中的营养成分有助于保湿滋润皮肤,延缓皮肤衰老。

– 适量使用,过量可能导致不适。
– 对山柰过敏者应避免食用。
– 孕妇和哺乳期妇女应在医生指导下使用。

山柰(学名:Kaempferia galanga L.)是一种在亚洲广泛应用的香料和药用植物,主要分布在东南亚地区。以下是山柰的一些作用解析:


The netherworld heard this, and her eyes flashed with danger, but she had to send someone to move to the cupboard.

Tai Yi Dao Tai Yi’s ancestor nodded at this time and toyed with the chaotic turtle shell in his hand. "Not bad, not bad, I am too Yi Dao’s practice destiny. The first thing to master is to seek good fortune and avoid evil, but retreat when it is difficult."
"Hum, our two brothers have sacrificed your brother and you are a virtue and cunning." Taiyi’s godfather’s eyes are full of danger.
Too easy to teach progenitor nai wry smile "it’s no wonder that my miscalculation is really like a pig teammate. You’re too a brother to die unjustly. If it weren’t for the key moment, you’d never lose your life even if you lost the way."
Too easy to touch the father’s eyes flashed a difficult color. "Something is wrong, but I don’t know what is wrong. Someone must have made trouble in the dark and ruined our plans."
"It seems that the unlucky ghost is the only one in the universe, but it has been a long time since he returned, but he can’t find it and he doesn’t know where it is hidden. It’s a great disaster." The voice of the founder of Taiping religion sounded in vain
"You say that the man behind this is unlucky. This old guy is so wretched that he can’t do anything." That’s too easy for the godfather to look somberly with a suspicious face.
Look at me, grandfathers, after listening to the words of Grandfather Taiyi, I think you have no idea.
After a while, I listened to Taizao Zu’s saying, "No, that old guy is obscene, but he is overbearing. How can he hide his hands and feet without a trace?"
"People’s hearts are changeable, and millions of years have changed. Who can say for sure?" said the ancestor of Tai Huang Jiao.
Chapter 162 Opening Angle ofuda Avenue
The inspiration in the East China Sea was a mess, kneeling on the ground and motionless.
"Please punish Long Jun" can be said to be handled by Long Jun, and the inspiration is hoarse.
Looking at the once high-spirited inspiration at this time, the decadent Dragon King in the East China Sea smiled meaningfully. "Get up and experience so many seats just to make you feel something. It’s not easy to be born, even if your personal strength is great, but the most important thing in the world is that Tianjiao has not always been the enemy of the unlucky ghost from the natural enemy. Then what? Haven’t you been scattered by the ancestors? The innate treasures of the flesh are all broken. That’s terrible! "
"Later, it was too easy to teach the ancestors of the heavens and the world to be the only one? So what? I was overtaken by Amitabha. What about Amitabha’s popularity at that time? Didn’t the founder of the fox god Taiyi chase the three pillars quickly? " Long Jun in the East China Sea sighed deeply.
After listening to the words of the East China Sea Dragon King, the inspiration was too great. At this time, there was a flash of enlightenment in my eyes. I didn’t say much. I continued to listen to the teachings of the East China Sea Dragon King.
"My dragon has always been tepid, taking advantage of the Terran wilderness, neither detached from the strong nor competing with the Terran wilderness?" The East China Sea Long Jun looked at the inspiration too much and looked at Aole and Jinlian.
“?” Inspiration is too conscious
"Naturally, it’s because my four seas dragons are a close family, and the contradictions in the Terran are constantly calculating each other, and all the major races in the wild are constantly striving to consume energy. Over the years, only I have been saving my strength, even though my ancestors have been constantly exploiting the interests of the heavens and the earth. The Terran demon race has taken a big head and my dragon has taken a small part, but my dragon is getting stronger and stronger. The two shemale families are getting weaker and weaker, while my four seas are getting stronger and stronger?" The Dragon King of the East China Sea took the drink and took a sip "because the Terran Demon Clan has taken the lead, but all the inside information benefits have been consumed in the continuous campaign, and only my dragon has been in peace for millions of years. If it hadn’t been for the cold, the dragon clan would have a share. I am afraid that at this time, my dragon will be able to compete with the Terran Demon Clan and will retreat in such a tiny place."
After listening to the words of Long Jun in Donghai, the inspiration was too deep. "I understand."
"It’s good to understand. The four seas will be entrusted to you after all. Now all the demon terrans have been born beyond the realm of the strong. If my dragon can’t break through as soon as possible, it will be unbearable for us to find an opportunity in the future. The four seas will be entrusted to you. We will try to break through the realm as soon as possible …"
At this time, all the dragons in the four seas are drooping heads, and whoever is abruptly pressed to a piece will be angry in the heart.
Although there is a gap between Tai Yi’s ancestor and others before the Dragon King of the Four Seas, it is nothing. At most, Tai Yi’s ancestor is just a little popular, but now?
Now it is really to leave everyone behind and throw them behind. With the passage of time in the future, the gap will inevitably get bigger and bigger, and finally the method will make up for it.
"What if we close the cold?" Brocade scales in a way
"Hum cold we? I’m afraid I hope to break through that realm even more than we do. After all, in ancient times, I have touched that realm and created a dimension. Unfortunately, if my husband and wife had not turned against each other and delayed millions of penance, I was afraid that the first person in all worlds would fall on my dragon. "Dragon Jun of Donghai turned around after saying that," Go back and get acquainted with dragon things secretly, and there will be a big future. "
"Yes, thank you, Long Jun." The inspiration made a deep ceremony and turned away.
Looking at the inspiration leaving too far, the Dragon King in the East China Sea snapped his mouth, and the Dragon King in the West China Sea said, "It’s really strange that Big Brother should show mercy this time."
"I can’t bear to punish this child because he is a Miao." Long Jun in the East China Sea looked at Aole. "Le Er, pay attention to Tongtian Road. If Yingjie is killed in the four seas, go to Tongtian Road to rescue him immediately. Don’t be cheap as a Buddhist."
"Yes, my boy." Aole respects.
Tongtian Luwu looked at that Luli big beetle but saw Luli big beetle face upwards and sighed, "Your teacher and pupil are really bad at this matter, so they just give up. In the future, they will leave this car and go to the mountains to close their penance. When they meet several people, they will inevitably stay out of the way and never dare to be difficult."
With that, looking at the dismembered Tiger force big fairy bones, Luli big beetle couldn’t help shuddering, or he was a wise man, otherwise he would have been lying dead now.
Looking at Luli big beetle’s distant enlightenment Gherardini looking at Yin Taitai "Yin Taitai, don’t pretend that you hooked my soul in those days, but I still remember you vividly. You are really extraordinary in hiding your qi activity, but you can’t hide it from me. As the saying goes, Yin and Yang don’t interfere with each other. I don’t know that you have stolen the fate of the world. The nine grandfathers will treat you like this."
Just then, the virtual distortion of a piece of paper floated out slowly from the virtual, only to see that the paper was flashing into a handsome man.
"Being original, opening angle has seen the Great Sage, the Holy Monk has seen Taitai", and the palm teaches statecraft in the coming field to pay a ceremony to all on Monday.
"Polite and reasonable. I don’t know what friends are doing here?" Enlightenment gather together in the past way
Opening Angle of a pair of eyes looked at the high sitting netherworld "in the name of the Taiping ancestor, this netherworld came"
"Just because you want to mind your own business?" The nether world is too high to move like a mountain, and there is no stir in the whole body, as if it were to suppress the eternal emperor’s mind and control the reincarnation of all beings
"Too now, it’s really a step ahead of me, but it doesn’t matter that it’s only a matter of time before I can finish today’s causal pursuit." Opening Angle has a golden charm in his hand, and I don’t know what it is made of. It’s quite strange that even jade Duxiu can’t see through it.
"It’s wishful thinking for you to want to borrow my position to beat me and seize my car. It’s late for your country’s luck." The nether world is too sullen
No matter who hears that someone is going to step on his seat, he won’t be too happy.
"We are all white people, so let’s talk more about it. Let’s see the truth in our hands." Opening Angle chuckled with a right hand and crossed the virtual head with a palm, and cut it down towards the nether world.
"Hum kui you are still Taiping Tianjiao. I didn’t expect Taiping’s ancestor to fail before he had eyes. Later, it was even more wrong to see that you called that wonderful jade to take the lead. Now you still have the face to say that you are Taiping Tianjiao." The nether world was too full of five skulls, and five ghosts emerged in the same year.

Yang guang’s achievement in guanyu has not only changed a little, but also changed more.

His wealth value is still unknown so far, that is to say, even if he consumes a lot of wealth value now, it will increase a lot, which will lead to this number exceeding the display limit
Or after that, it won’t show much wealth value, just whatever.
After all, Yang Guang tried to upgrade the artistic conception of krypton, but he still couldn’t. There is no way to upgrade the meaning of krypton, which means that Yang Guang can’t reach the level of advanced martial arts at one time.
Can take it step by step.
It has become a xiuluo field, and it has also added a function, that is, it can let others come in this xiuluo field for trial, even if they die 10 thousand times, there is no problem for real people.
Just be able to withstand the blow from here.
Never choose difficult modes, especially for ordinary fighters with talent.
In addition, there is a senior object, that is, Yang Guang’s large object. By the way, Yang Guang also has a ring, which is a token of Jack nife Zong.
But for the time being, Yang Guang didn’t feel better about himself.
Just throw the ring in your own things.
But this thing has also been upgraded into a so-called "small world"
There are some functions in the small world that haven’t been developed yet, but they are far bigger than the original things, which are somewhat similar to a small world. I wonder if it can make people live.
Advanced Life and Death Fighting Field [Xiuluo Field] Advanced Things [Small World]
Weapon Magic Flame Knife [Fierce Yang Knife] [Holy Knife]
Defend the Eucharist of Jack nife.
Destroy a black hole by method
The former magic flame knife has become the same thing as today’s fierce sun knife, but what I moved in California and Fuzhou before was not a dazzling dance thing on that side, but very common.
Over there is a sacred sword, which can also be called a sacred soldier.
One level higher than magic, and it’s over.
And the Eucharist of Jack nife?
This can explain that Yang Guang’s defensive ability, especially his "limited strengthening" ability, has been strengthened to the point of Eucharist.
That is to say, the possibility that the general warrior wants to effectively injure Yang Guang will be limited to less than that of Wu Zong’s words? Even Yang Guang’s immobile defense means that since it is difficult to break through Yang Guangtian’s sword Eucharist.