
1. **促进消化**:山菠萝中含有一种名为“菠萝朊酶”的物质,能够分解蛋白质,帮助消化吸收,减少食物在胃肠中的停留时间,从而缓解消化不良。

2. **美容养颜**:山菠萝含有丰富的维生素C和微量元素,这些成分能够滋养肌肤,防止皮肤干裂,美白肌肤,对抗皱纹,对美容养颜有很好的效果。

3. **减肥瘦身**:山菠萝含有较低的卡路里,且能促进脂肪分解,有助于减肥瘦身。

4. **消除水肿**:山菠萝中的酶和糖具有利尿作用,可以帮助排出体内多余的水分,从而减轻水肿。


5. **增强免疫力**:山菠萝富含多种维生素和微量元素,有助于提高人体免疫力,增强抗病能力。


6. **清热解暑**:山菠萝性凉,具有清热解暑的作用,适合在炎热的夏季食用。

7. **缓解感冒症状**:山菠萝可以缓解感冒引起的咳嗽、发烧、喉咙痛等症状。

8. **预防血栓**:山菠萝中的酶有助于改善局部血液循环,预防血栓的形成。

9. **治疗皮肤问题**:山菠萝可以缓解皮肤瘙痒,对于某些皮肤病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

10. **辅助治疗疾病**:山菠萝的叶子、根部等部位在中医中也被用作药用,可以用于治疗感冒发热、肾炎水肿、尿路感染、结石等疾病。




1. **调节血脂与血压**:小叶苦丁茶对于高血压和高血脂有显著的防治作用。它可以有效降低血清总胆固醇、甘油三酯及低密度脂蛋白,对预防动脉粥样硬化有积极作用。

2. **改善心脑血管健康**:小叶苦丁茶能增加冠状动脉血流量和心肌供血,对于心脑血管疾病患者的胸闷、头晕、乏力、头痛、失眠等症状有缓解作用。

3. **清热解毒**:小叶苦丁茶具有清热解毒的功效,可以用来治疗口腔炎症、便秘、痔疮等。

4. **护肝解酒**:它能够清咽利喉、消炎利便、护肝解酒,对于饮酒过量导致的肝脏不适有一定的缓解作用。


5. **增强免疫力**:小叶苦丁茶含有多种人体必需的氨基酸、维生素和微量元素,如锌、锰等,能够增强人体免疫力,合理调节机体代谢。

6. **治疗头痛和牙痛**:由于其丰富的营养元素,小叶苦丁茶对头痛和牙痛有一定的治疗作用。

7. **润喉止咳**:在炎热的夏天,饮用小叶苦丁茶可以起到润喉止咳的效果。

8. **抑制口腔异味**:小叶苦丁茶中的茶多酚具有消炎杀菌作用,可以用来抑制口腔异味。


9. **缓解疲劳**:小叶苦丁茶含有硒等脑神经重要元素,有助于改善大脑疲劳状态。


– **风寒感冒人群**:小叶苦丁茶性偏寒,不适合风寒感冒患者饮用,以免加重病情。
– **月经期女性**:女性在月经期间,身体抵抗力较弱,应避免饮用小叶苦丁茶,以防寒凉刺激。
– **肠胃虚弱者**:肠胃虚弱者应少喝或不喝小叶苦丁茶,以免刺激肠胃。



1. **驱邪祈福**:白色玛瑙在古代被认为具有驱邪避凶的神奇功效。佩戴白色玛瑙可以驱散负能量,保护佩戴者的身心安全,带来好运和平安。

2. **保健养生**:白色玛瑙具有保健养生的作用。它能够调节人体的内分泌系统,增强新陈代谢,促进血液循环,提高人体免疫力。对于女性而言,白色玛瑙有助于改善面色,使皮肤光滑细腻。

3. **促进睡眠**:白色玛瑙有助于缓解紧张情绪,消除压力,提高睡眠质量。将白色玛瑙放置于枕头下,有助于带来美好的梦境。

4. **增强亲和力**:白色玛瑙能够增强佩戴者的亲和力,使人更加友善、宽容。在人际交往中,佩戴白色玛瑙有助于拉近彼此的距离,增进感情。


5. **智慧启迪**:白色玛瑙被称为“智慧石”,寓意着智慧与启迪。佩戴白色玛瑙有助于提升思维敏捷度,激发创造力。

6. **护身符**:白色玛瑙具有护身符的作用,可以保护佩戴者免受疾病侵扰。对于易感人群,佩戴白色玛瑙有助于增强体质,预防疾病。


7. **净化心灵**:白色玛瑙具有净化心灵的功效,能够帮助人们消除内心的烦恼和杂念,使人保持一颗平和、宁静的心态。


1. 避免与硬物碰撞,以免损坏玛瑙;
2. 避免长时间接触高温,如阳光直射、炉灶等;
3. 避免与化学试剂、香水等接触,以免腐蚀玛瑙;
4. 避免在干燥环境中长时间存放,以免玛瑙失去光泽。



1. **提高免疫力**:苦荞茶含有丰富的蛋白质、叶绿素、脂肪、碳水化合物和微量元素等,这些成分能够增强人体免疫力,延缓机体衰老,增强抗氧化能力。

2. **预防高血糖症**:苦荞茶几乎不含糖,且能加速体内糖原的代谢,促进胰岛素分泌,有助于维持血糖在正常水平,对预防和改善糖尿病有积极作用。

3. **保护肝脏**:苦荞茶含有黄酮类物质,可以减少病毒对肝细胞的损害,修复受损肝细胞,提高肝脏的解毒能力,对预防脂肪肝、肝硬化、慢性肝炎等疾病有积极作用。


4. **生物类黄酮**:苦荞茶中的生物类黄酮(如芦丁)具有软化血管、改善微循环、清热解毒、活血化瘀等功效,对心血管健康十分有益。


5. **美容养颜**:苦荞茶能有效抑制皮肤生成黑色素物质,阻碍白细胞增殖产生的蛋白质,对抗老年斑和雀斑有显著效果。

6. **促进消化**:苦荞茶中的维生素B和膳食纤维能加快肠道蠕动,促进消化液分泌,对消化不良和食少腹胀有良好缓解作用。

7. **降低血脂、软化血管**:苦荞茶中的特殊类黄酮芦丁物质具有改善微循环、软化血管的作用,有助于降低血脂和血压。


8. **适合特定人群**:老年人、年轻人、儿童、妊娠期的女士以及患有高血压、高血糖、高血脂和糖尿病的人士,适量饮用苦荞茶都能获得相应的益处。


Yu Guihai nodded and then proceeded to control life and death.

"I have seen the master!"
At this time, all the greed and resentment in their hearts have vanished. Although they are still eager for the silver spirit, they can’t give birth to the idea that Yu Guihai is unfavorable. After thinking about it, they will do their best to get the treasure from their owners as soon as possible.
"Ha ha, since you’ve lost your way, I’m not stingy. Take these two drops of spiritual fluid." Yu Guihai smiled and sent out two drops of silver spiritual fluid.
"Thank you, master!" Old consumption ecstasy quickly took the spirit liquid rushed to thank you.
It’s not that I don’t know what rewards and punishments are.
But because the person who wants to be controlled by life and death has subconsciously created disadvantages for him, it is now a new loyalty comparison.
In a sense, it is already a completely different person, and there is no need to punish them wrongly before.
"Good. Now we can trust each other and help each other, just like relatives. It’s time to set out for the secret place of Hualin Holy Land." Yu Guihai got up and waved his hand.
"Yes!" Black Rosa and others said with different mouths
Chapter 127 Domineering, Arriving and Rev.
Yu Guihai and others left the abode of fairies and immortals and flew towards the sky.
At this time, they all converge their body and breath, and Yu Guihai reveals the true Tao and medium-term cultivation, while Lao Consumption and others not only reveal the palm Tao and cultivation, but also change their appearance to avoid being recognized by several people.
They did this because of a notice in the Five Emperors Hall a few days ago.
It probably means that this time, the secret land of Hualin Holy Land is more dangerous than protecting the personal safety of the monks. No one can go to the secret land of Hualin Holy Land without permission.
You can only go to the Five Emperors’ Hall if you get the token through the recognition of the Five Emperors’ Hall. Once you catch someone without the token, you will be caught alive and put into the chaotic Xinghai mining for thousands of years.
The hegemony of the Five Emperors Hall is evident.
The way to get the token through exploration is to take refuge in major forces or some scattered roads, so that the strong can be recognized. Other ways are effective
Yu Guihai didn’t go to Kuiling because he was destined to act alone, and then he would probably offend Linggao Zong, which would be ugly.
Fortunately, at this time, all the major forces and the strong people in the scattered roads are recruiting their hands. After dressing up, they can easily get the tokens.
The other party is not afraid of their ulterior motives, because those tokens all have each other’s roads, and the strong people leave their breath. Once they hold the tokens, they can’t escape from each other’s palms, and if they abandon them, they will be jointly pursued by major forces.
At this time, it is no longer a secret that things have changed in the secret realm, but what kind of changes are there? Only the other powerful people in the Five Emperors Hall know.
The people flying in the sky soon met a layer of light curtain, which looked very weak and gave off a gray brilliance, but it was stronger than directly covering the whole planet, and it took some time for the strong to break the road.
Yu Guihai and others took out the token and entered it into Daoyuan. A layer of the same gray light immediately appeared in everyone’s body, and then they flew towards the light curtain. If something passed through the light curtain,
Wait until I fly away and return to the sea, wave my hand and a long black shuttle appears in the void.
He immediately flew into the long shuttle, and everyone followed.
Then the dark light of the long black shuttle flashed and disappeared into the void immediately.
The darkness is empty and dead, with no reference except the distant starlight.
Suddenly, a ripple emerged from the void, and the ripples spread around as if they were disturbed by the water.
Poof ~ ~ ~
A black hole suddenly appeared in the center of the ripple, and then a long black shuttle jumped out of it
When the black shuttle comes out, the virtual ripples disappear immediately, while the long shuttle flies forward with inertia.
"Where are we?"
Black long shuttle Yu Guihai asked with his eyes open.
Beside him, Black Rosa, who has been quietly noting the console, immediately respectfully replied, "Report to my master has now reached the edge of the barren star field, and it takes half a day to fly."
"Well, half a day is still too long, so we will be in a hurry in the deserted star field. Take a rest first and I’ll control the journey." Yu Guihai immediately said.
Before the ghost shuttle, he handed it over to Black Rosa for control, and it was easier to do virtual shuttle all the way, but if he really flew, he was the master who could give full play to his maximum speed.
The long black shuttle will soon suddenly accelerate into a faint light and disappear into the void.
Long shuttle several darkrooms, several meditation figures are awakened one after another.
"What happened?"
It was the old consumption that made the three of them suddenly speed up, which made them feel a little uncomfortable and had to wake up from the retreat and turn around.
Soon they found that it was the ghost shuttle that accelerated.
But this speed? ?
The three men looked horrified. This speed was almost as fast as that of their flying treasure. The former ghost shuttle was so fast that it shocked them. It was even more shocking than I didn’t expect this ordinary flight.
You know, they are all super-strong people at the peak of the true Tao. Whether they are physically or physically strong, they can’t hurt anything more than a casual attack. And this is a flight that actually makes them feel uncomfortable. If they are stronger, wouldn’t it directly hurt them?
The three men immediately released their minds to explore and communicate, and soon found that Yu Guihai personally drove the ghost shuttle, so they immediately felt relieved.
"It turned out to be the owner, so there is no accident."
"Yes, the ghost shuttle is the top, and it is normal that the speed of Tianbao level is stronger than that of the owner himself."
In just half an hour, the stars in front will gradually increase and soon turn into huge stars, reflecting the cold starlight when the stars shine around.
And the star meteorites around the ghost shuttle become denser and bigger as they continue to move forward.
Yu Guihai carefully observed the surrounding situation while manipulating the ghost shuttle flight. This place is really deserted. The star field is really deserted.
There are millions of meteorites everywhere, and no life or other things are seen.


This sword is three feet and three inches long, and the four eternal runes in the center of its blade flicker forever, and the light is constantly arranged and combined in different orders.
Sometimes the fairy kills the sky, and the fairy kills the god, and sometimes the sky kills the fairy!
Every change reveals a different artistic conception from this unique sword, as if its power has changed with it.
Qin Changfeng holds the sword hilt with both hands and leans the sword on the deck of the fairy ship. At this moment, his hands are like swords, and he is afraid of all enemies in the world!
"I’ll send you to hell today!"
The celestial battlefield has come to the virtual clan, the fairy king Xiansan. After a hard struggle, he has suppressed the mysterious bodhi old zu and is about to launch a unique style to completely cut him off.
At this moment, Qin Changfeng holds the hilt palm and suddenly sticks the sword on the deck. As soon as you turn it in the palm, you will see that a four-color Fuguang is shot out of the four runes of the central god of Jianfeng and blink of an eye and come to the battlefield of the sky.
A blow to the virtual fairy king was instantly blown out, and there was blood in his mouth!
This change of the four Fu Jian is beyond everyone’s expectation, and its power and terror are even more shocking to the whole world.
Eternity means eternity?
Eternity is unpredictable, and the only constant is eternal body.
Eternity, immortality, eternity alone, eternity unbreakable!
In the hands of all people staring at Qin Changfeng, the only Fu Jian exudes the luster of fairy gold, which seems to be more vast than the reality, such as the sky and the sea, and as thick as the breath of the sky and the moon.
If he wants to fight for a moment, he can ask Jinghai who is fighting?
Zong Yiqiu’s arms are dark and empty, and how can he still be in the king’s realm? Qin Changfeng firmly believes that he can still fight World War I with his sword in his hand.
But what everyone didn’t expect was that just when this peerless war was about to enter the highest peak, Yiqiu Jun looked at the virtual place and suddenly trembled all over, and then there was an indescribable fear in his pupils.
There is a figure standing quietly in white, but it looks ordinary and can’t be found out in the vast sea of people.
He didn’t know when the strong people, including Qin Changfeng, were present. No one even noticed his arrival. He stood looking at Yiqiu Jun with a weak smile. "For old times’ sake, you cut a knife and cut it off. I allow you to be a real virtual family."
Yi Qiujun’s white face was not fear, but a great sadness enveloped him, and then he smiled bitterly. "All the people in the world are enemies of the nine worlds, but they don’t know that fate has never been helped by people."
The words sound just fell and he suddenly raised his hand and slapped it against his head!
Suddenly, the immortal power poured out like a river burst its banks, and his speed plummeted for a thousand years.
This palm is a knife to cut off his past and erase everything in heaven.
Soon he took a breath and fell into a fairyland, which was an ant for the once immortal king.
At the same time, his figure and appearance have changed greatly, like a drooping old man with white hair and wrinkled pupils, and his breathing has broken bellows, which makes people feel as if he will sit down at any time.
"From now on, later generations will implement the idea that Qiu Jun has a virtual family to destroy the pale."
The old man opened his mouth with an old sound, and several teeth collapsed and flew out. The name Qiu Jun was finally settled and everything was buried.
There will be no more fairy king in heaven and no one will talk about this name again.
Everyone regrets that Yu is even more indecisive. Who is this man who suddenly appeared? How can Yi Qiujun cut himself with a word?
Chapter nine hundred and eleven Immortal Emperor?
"Destroy the sky?"
Hearing such a name, the mysterious man suddenly appeared in white, winning snow, and smiled and said nothing more. Suddenly, his eyes fell on the virtual fairy king, the fairy three bodies.
This seems to be an ordinary gaze without half a murderous look, but Huo Ran, the virtual fairy king, trembled all over, and then immediately turned around and left a word "go" without hesitation, but he was surprised by people’s eyes!
In fact, the mysterious man took a look at him and then withdrew his eyes like a root. He didn’t mean to shoot at him like an ant, so it wasn’t worth his serious attention.
At the same time, once Yiqiu Jun now looked at Shu Wang, "I should also look at Shu …"
Shu Wang wouldn’t let him finish, so he reached out and gently stroked his old face and interrupted him with a smile. "I’ll go with you, no matter what you become, no matter whether you’re in nine days or in the grave, I will never leave you in my life."
Eyes are as bright as water, hiding a lifetime of sadness, joy and tenderness.
At the moment, looking at this scene, everyone is in a complicated mood and eccentric.
"Father, you …" Month royal didn’t endure at this time as she felt deeply ashamed.
King Shu turned to look at her and smiled. "Royal son, I am not your father but your mother!"

"Junior brother" is a Ding Minjun sound.

Compared with years ago, Ding Minjun’s appearance has not changed much, and it is still as beautiful as before, with a more capable temperament and a better figure.
"The teacher elder sister" Wang Yuexiao shouted.
"Teacher younger brother, I broke through" Ding Minjun’s eyes were filled with joy.
"oh? Can the teacher elder sister make the third move? " Wang Yue asked.
Ding Minjun finished the second move four years ago and is still doing the third move. Wang Yue will give her four moves when she finishes the third move.
Ding Minjun shook his head. "It’s not that you don’t know that it’s getting harder and harder for you to teach those moves without a younger brother. I want to finish the third move, even for two years. I mean, I’ve become a first-class fighter."
Wang Yue was surprised and looked at Ding Minjun carefully and found that she really became a first-class fighter.
Generally speaking, Wang Yue doesn’t spy on the teachers and sisters privately, which is very impolite.
Just now, Wang Yue’s energy department was full of martial arts roots, so he didn’t notice the changes in Ding Minjun.
"Well, we finally have three first-class fighters in the Emei Sect," Wang Yue said happily.
Although the three first-class fighters can’t compare with Shaolin Wudang, they are stronger than Kunlun and Huashan sects.
"Do you know when to break through the master?" Wang Yue asked.
Emei sent a younger brother to become a first-class fighter, but it was a big deal. When Wang Yue became a fighter, the extermination teacher also hosted a banquet.
Ding Minjun said with a smile, "I know that Bei Jingyi’s school sister has told the master."
With a surprise in his eyes, Master Extinction once again asked, "Jing Yi, your elder martial sister has really become a first-class fighter?"
First-class fighters are the mainstay of a sect. She has been practicing as an extinct teacher for more than 30 years, but it is only the first-class realm. However, Ding Minjun is only 20 years old and she is not a talented wizard. Ding Minjun is not as talented as Bei Jingyi.
Teacher Wang Yuecheng’s first-class fighter extinction is not surprised because Wang Yue is a genius in her heart, but Ding Minjun feels something is wrong when she becomes a first-class fighter extinction teacher.
Bei Jingyi said, "Master Ding Minjun has become a first-class fighter. You can’t joke about this, and you dare not deceive the master."
The extinction teacher thought for a moment and said, "Jing Yi, go and call Min Jun and Wang Yue. The teacher has something to ask them."
"Master" Bei Jingyi left the room and hurried to Ding Minjun and Wang Yue’s residence.
Wang Yue and Ding Minjun came to the extinction teacher’s room.
Wang Yue and Ding Minjun salute with fuels.
Teacher Extinction carefully looked at Ding Minjun, so he was a first-class fighter.
"Min Jun, how did you become a first-class fighter?" Teacher extinction asked.
Ding Minjun was one leng and then said, "Master is practicing hard and breaking through unconsciously. I don’t know exactly how to break through."
Ding Minjun doesn’t want to give Wang Yue to her "gymnastics". If the whole Emei Sect learns that set of tricks, the advantage of moving her Ding Minjun will be gone.
Everyone is selfish, and Ding Minjun is no exception. She is even more selfish. She is bent on becoming the head of Emei Sect.
See extinction teacher Ding Minjun lying coldly said "is serious practice? Speaking of being serious, Bei Jingyi and Jing Xuan are even more serious than you, and even less when you have been doing business and practicing martial arts over the years. "
Wang Yue saw Ding Minjun’s face difficult and hurriedly said, "Master, don’t be difficult for the elder martial sister. The elder martial sister presumably practiced and I gave her a few moves to break through so quickly."
I’m afraid Wang Yue can’t hide the fact that he knows how to do gymnastics.

Xuantian Shaozhu killed near the body, and the qi and blood surged, propping up one side of the world and enveloping Su Mo!

Su Mo is in a trance and still hasn’t recovered from the scene of Lin Zhanshen’s meteorite.
"wild arms!"
Seeing this, the people around us gave a shout in utter amazement.
In the wild world, a series of figures rose and repaired, and the realm was the true spirit fairy king, who was desperate to rush toward the battlefield of the emperor’s territory
Kyubi no Youko Demon Emperor, God-like Demon Emperor and Bai Ze Demon Emperor are also coming towards Sumo!
Xuantian Shaozhu propped up the huge world, not only to devour Su Mo, but also to devour the exquisite fairy Wang Lin War Department around Su Mo!
Sue ink mind a shock suddenly wake up.
Lin Zhan has fallen, and the fairy king must not die!
Even if he fights for his life, he must protect Linglong Xianwang!
Yes, he is really in a bad state now.
Seriously injured and witnessing the death of Lin Zhan, Su Mo’s spirit has become a little trance, hoping that the scene in front of him is a dream of Nan Ke.
He is conscious of getting up in front of Linglong Xianwang. In this state of trance, he pats a palm towards Xuantian Shaozhu.
No veins, no visions, no five caves, no magical powers.
This palm looks soft and powerful.
"Ah …"
Xuantian Shaozhu laughs at Yi.
As he expected, Su Mo is a spent force, and the lights are exhausted!
"Even I can’t compete with these peak emperors, but you can’t fight me with anything!"
Xuan day Lord blazing with anger slightly sneer at less.
Kyubi no Youko Demon Emperor, God-like Demon Emperor, Bai Ze Demon Emperor and others broke out in a series of killing moves towards Xuantian Shaozhu regardless of the heaven emperor’s offensive behind them!
"I can’t save anyone if I want to kill!"
Xuan Tian Shao Zhu drinks a lot and is unmoved.
He is absolutely sure that he can kill Su Mo from the hand and then resist the offensive of Kyubi no Youko Demon Emperor and others.
When Su Mo’s palm touched his side of the world, Xuan Tian’s expression suddenly froze in his face!
He felt an unusual throb in his heart, which flashed like an illusion.
The chaotic bloody battlefield seems to suddenly disappear.
He seems to be floating on a clear lake, rippling with the waves, looking at the bright and gorgeous milky way in the sky, and his heart has never been calm and peaceful
At that time, Lord Xuantian was in a trance, but he was intoxicated and lingered.
And in the battlefield, when everyone is watching Xuan Tian, the main figure suddenly stops and somehow his face reveals a satisfied smile.
The horrible world around him is quietly disintegrating and breaking up in Su Mo’s palm!
"Xinghe Dream!"
Xuan day little Lord seems to think of something and suddenly woke up with a tingle!
This is the evil emperor’s way!
God Zhu fell into the wind because he was hit hard by the secret method of evil emperor at the beginning of the war, but he couldn’t get rid of the evil emperor’s pursuit!
However, this Milky Way dream is full of flaws, which is far from the dream created by the evil emperor.
Otherwise, it is impossible for Xuan Tian to break away from his master’s ability less.
Su Mo released this secret method by mistake.
Wudao Zun was dragged into the dream by the evil emperor and lived for a lifetime and stood several tests.
That is to say, the evil emperor Daofa stayed with him for a whole life!
He saw the evil emperor release the dream of the Milky Way again.
More importantly, he has just fallen into that trance, and all his thoughts are together, hoping that everything in front of him is a dream.
Coupled with the blessing of Yu Pei in his arms, his palm contains a wisp of evil emperor’s dream Tao!
One wisp is enough for the mysterious heaven to suffer less!
Even though he broke away from the flawed dream of the Milky Way, his world had dissipated in the dream.
More importantly, Kyubi no Youko Demon Emperor, God-like Demon Emperor and other powerful emperors have killed him!
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Kyubi no Youko Demon Emperor, Idol Demon Emperor and others are greeted by the Magic Secret Department in Xuantian.
Xuantian Shaozhu was caught in a dream. Without a world to protect limbs and head, he didn’t come back to hide in the turtle shell and was exposed to the outside. He completed many powerful targets such as Kyubi no Youko Demon Emperor!
Even the Kyubi no Youko demon emperor, the idol demon emperor and others didn’t expect this scene to happen.
Even if there is no tortoise shell to protect Xuantian, the main body is still stronger than the main body.
Kyubi no Youko demon emperor and many other powerful magic weapons called to hit the top of the skull in Xuantian.
It takes dozens of seconds to break his head!

Yunlan’s brow wrinkled slightly after hearing this, and he nodded in vain. "Do you want me to go to see your father and tell him why?"

After hearing this, Jingwei shed tears respectfully and gave another ceremony. His eyes were full of sadness but he was very calm. "Master, I am not worthy of death, but my father is still in the valley. Please ask Master to help me return this wish. I will never forget Master’s kindness even after a hundred rounds of reincarnation."
YunLan listen to jingwei said so is also sad to nod a way "don’t worry, even if you don’t want to fight this life, you will be avenged."
Then he took out a jade bottle from his bosom and pulled it out, saying, "You can settle down in this bottle, and the sunshine will ruin your future. Even if you travel all over the world, you will find the monk with great magical powers to let you live."
Jingwei made a worship before turning into a wisp of light smoke and drilling into the jade bottle.
Yunlan thought for a while before he got out of the abode of fairies and immortals and went straight to the Shennong clan.
Here, the Dragon King is talking with a joke after the wind. * * * Suddenly, a turtle will rush in, pointing to the outside with a face of panic, but he can’t speak. But everyone knows that it won’t be a good thing.
The dragon king’s heart moved and immediately realized, "unless a great god came to you, you were so excited?" Don’t hurry and say slowly, don’t lose the system. "
The turtle jumped about in a hurry, but he was nervous.
After the wind, seeing the tortoise move like this, his face is motionless, but his heart is full of joy. He can guess that he is nervous and excited at this time by gently playing with that delicate coral glass and leaving latent fingerprints on his face. When the Dragon King saw that his hand was so rude, he sighed and waved a soft breath to smooth his hand.
The tortoise was relieved to see that there was still some trembling in the voice of the dragon king. "The king is not good, and Jingwei seems to have drowned in the sea."
The dragon king was shocked and jumped up and grabbed the tortoise armor. "What are you talking about?" That Jingwei is also a monk with some magical powers. Do you know which monk was drowned by the sea? "
The tortoise is a face of nai wry smile way "king, how dare I cheat you? The sea-hunting hag found the body of Jingwei, but it was bitten by fish and shrimp, so I guessed that she was drowned. "
Before the Dragon King came to speak, he saw a prawn rushing in, but his expression was much better than that of the tortoise just now. When he saw the Dragon King, he hastily reported, "It’s not a good thing. I was patrolling overseas, but I found a body of Ying Long, but Ying Long was covered in scars like a blow."
The dragon king’s face changes again. He has been in this position for so long, and he has his own opinions and extraordinary vision. He naturally associates the death of Jingwei with the death of Ying Long. He looks coldly at the wind and sparks have already appeared in his eyes.
After the storm, he felt bad. When he heard that Ying Long was killed, he almost passed out. He never dreamed that Ying Long would be so bad that he would end up with a little girl. It’s too bad for him! It seems that a master of uniting for thousands of years has changed the life of a little girl who is not too governor. Although this little girl is a great threat to Xuanyuan tribe, this business is a bit too bad.
More importantly, Ying Long’s death directly broke the original plan. Dragon King Jing will naturally guess his plan. If he chooses to support Shennong’s Xuanyuan clan, there is a way to go.
Immediately after being shocked and angry, he picked up the law tactic. He was not willing to make a decision in an instant. Since things are difficult, it is better to take a chance. If the Dragon King really wants to start work, he will immediately hijack the Dragon King and sign a Covenant. Xuanyuan clan will strive for the most buffer time and maximum benefit.
Just as he was about to turn against each other, he suddenly heard a noise outside. Several guards rushed in and saw the Dragon King in a hurry with a look of fear. He reported, "An Jin Jiashen outside claimed to be an angel waiting outside with the imperial edict of Emperor Heaven of Science in his hand."
After listening to the micro-meditation, the dragon king glanced at the wind and didn’t immediately criticize it. He snorted and immediately ordered, "What are you still doing?" Quickly put the incense table to receive the purport. "
Then he took a look at the wind and said, "You wait here for me first, and then come." Then he ordered several intimate hands to "entertain well". Don’t neglect the wind and order three hundred sailors to surround the hall before meeting the angel.
After the wind, his face changed slightly, but he immediately turned his face, but he was worried that it was not the dragon king’s opponent who wanted to wait for a better opportunity, but he hesitated and lost the opportunity. He had to sit and wait for the fate judgment.
Chapter seventy-nine Heaven is unwilling to be lonely
The Dragon King took his family out of the Crystal Palace with great pomp and circumstance, but he saw the Dragon King there, but he didn’t even give a gift. Instead, he shouted, "What are you still staring at?"
The Dragon King was unhappy when he saw Jin Jiashen’s unruly words and deeds. Although he was a vassal of the Emperor of Heaven, he was still a god of rain and clouds and a patriarch of water. Although he was an emissary of the Emperor of Heaven, the shining golden god didn’t have much mana or a very high position, but he was just a senior mountain soldier. Like him, a little god in heaven is countless.
However, although the dragon king was unhappy, he didn’t show it. He smiled and led the hand to pick up the imperial edict.
After everything was over, the dragon king called Jin Jiashen to dinner. This shining golden armor was willing to pour out in his mouth. It was disrespectful and irritating that the dragon king said that it was not willing to break his mouth
Dragon king and others are as good as white. What do you mean by seeing each other? Put your hand back and rub your thumb and forefinger quickly.
Prime Minister Turtle has served the Dragon King for many years. Don’t talk about such a small move. Even the Dragon King knows clearly that he is afraid of having sex several times a night. Does he look as if he is not white when he sees this? Fortunately, he didn’t do it less before, and everything was ready at once. He took out a beautiful bag from his arms and secretly handed it to the Dragon King. He took the turtle and the Prime Minister secretly handed it to me. A slight touch of the bag will tell whether it is filled with gems that are not common in the sea or whether the old partner will do things. If others might take something vulgar, he quietly handed it to Jin Jiashen by shaking hands.
Jin Jiashen took the bag, but after a while, there was a smile in his eyes, and then he took out a gem. But when he saw that it was dazzling and glittering, it was a good baby. It was the wealth that moved people’s hearts. It made people excited and hated that they could not get it in their hands and play it well.
Shining armor saw such a baby, but she was all smiles and nodding. Her eyes were full of smiles, but her attitude towards the Dragon King seemed to turn a hundred degrees, but she was very enthusiastic.
The dragon king’s heart always sneers at the celestial immortals slightly. If they are all like this, are they afraid? As they are, they will bully them again? At their disposal? This idea is a turn in the dragon king’s heart, but in this moment he has lost his heart and planted it directly in his heart.
After the angel left, the dragon king didn’t play the imperial edict. It doesn’t matter if you look at it. It was a shock that the imperial edict was written. The score was that Jingwei was attacked by Wumen Chiyou brothers on Ying Long Road. They joined hands to help each other, but it was not that Chiyou brother’s opponent who fell in a big war.
Looking at this imperial edict, the dragon king seems to feel that a pot of cold water will be poured straight on his head, and his heart will be frozen in the future. Generally, his face will be as ugly as it is.

He thinks this group of men in black is definitely not simple.

This is the second time Norman Oss has laid hands on him. The first time, Phnom Penh glasses and Gwen bait laid an ambush.
Once, I set a trap in front of Phnom Penh glasses and took more than a dozen deputy armed gangsters to wait for it. Only then did I dare to fight Goofy’s hand. But in the end, they were annihilated and bombed by a chariot made by Goofy Tony Stark …
I learned a lesson, and this time Norman Oss will definitely send more hands. Although these six ordinary men in black look ordinary, Goofy thinks they must be stunted!
Goofy was secretly pleased at the thought of this-if these six people are really malicious characters, wouldn’t he be able to go home smoothly tonight? First arrange Ole and Carrie to escape from the scene in chaos, and then bravely sacrifice themselves to return to the real world. This play is perfect and the story has a happy ending!
So Goofy whispered to Ole, "Ole, when I fight with them later, you run with Carrie, do you hear me?"
Ole nodded. "Don’t worry, boss. After I ran out, the horse called for help and asked NYPD to support you!"
"No, you can run as far away as possible with Carrie, regardless of me," Goofy said resolutely. "Now you can’t call for backup."
"Eldest brother …" Listen to goofy so Ole was a little relieved.
But Gao Fei didn’t talk nonsense to him again and urged, "Don’t be a mother-in-law and do as I say!"
Say goofy turned and rushed towards the black dress person and rolled up his sleeves.
Ole didn’t have any ink, so he grabbed Carrie and turned away.
Carrie looked at Ole with contempt. "Are you really going to throw away the boss and run for your life?"
Ole whispered, "You know what! We stay here simply to drag the boss down, not only can’t help the boss, but also have to take care of you! "
As soon as Carrie heard Ole say that it was reasonable, the little girl quickly stepped up and whispered, "Then we must run quickly!" "
On the other side, Goofy has rushed to the black dress person’s side and directly punched the leader’s head.
"Let me meet you!"
Gao Feiyuan had great expectations for the men in black, thinking that they must all have extraordinary skills. However, when he punched out, the leader in black was actually blown out by him!
I didn’t even come to hide. I got a punch when I hid!
Goofy peed on the spot. What a terrible skill! Norman Oss is at least a giant who built a business empire. Why did the tycoon send so many losers to do things?
Did this eldest brother spend all his brain building the Aussie Empire?
Goofy is unwilling. That hate in his heart
No, I have to try another one
So goofy turned to the next two men in black who were pulling out their guns, elbowed them and punched them with backhand, and they also flew out.
No blowing power!
In an instant, three people were killed by Goofy and bumped into trash cans, corners and street lamps respectively. Goofy was simply lost-this is the strength of Norman Oss?
But he soon realized that it was not that simple, because the three men in black suffered heavy losses and got up in situ immediately after being beaten away.
Goofy’s strength is now being hit by him, and the flying man has to break even if he is not paralyzed on the spot, but these three people can get up immediately, which shows that their ability to fight is not simple.
Goofy squinted at the three men in black and finally had an epiphany.
"You also injected with human body strengthening reagent? You six are all remoulders? "
The leader of the black dress person smiled and struggled to climb out of the garbage.
"Yes, we also injected you with the same strengthening reagent, officer Gao Fei. You met your opponent!"
Say that finish black dress person leader descended towards goofy with a roar, but was instantly kicked back by goofy.
Flying high is a black line
I met your sister’s opponent! You guys are a fart opponent! You and I are now able to rely on strengthening reagents? Come on, I have a cheating superhero! Otherwise, how can you and I upgrade our fighting skills to the elite level in just a few months!
Can you really kill me by asking six people who have injected the same strengthening reagent? Norman Oss, you are so naive!
In a blink of an eye, Goofy beat up the three men in black here again. Did the three brothers Rao inject human body strengthening reagents or were beaten black and blue?
On the other side, the three men quickly pulled out their guns to support them.
However, Aussie’s naive six people who have been injected with human body strengthening reagents can certainly do better than Goofy. This simple math problem of injecting human body strengthening reagents to strengthen people 6>1 has nothing wrong with it, so they are not equipped with any advanced weapons. These people are all holding the most common M1911 pistols.
It’s a pity that this gun is not a threat to Goofy even if it strengthens people.
It’s easy to avoid three pistols, shoot high, get close to the other three people, and after getting close, it’s still the same formula or the same taste, punching and kicking these three people to fly away.
In the blink of an eye, six men in black who had been injected with enhanced reagents were all put down by Gao Fei. Ole and Carrie had not run far yet. Looking back, the bad guys were all on the street!
Carrie was dumbfounded and tugged at Ole’s clothes and asked, "Ole, Ole, are we not running away?"
Ole squinted and nodded. "It seems that … I didn’t run away. These junk snacks were killed by the boss."
"Then let’s go back!" Carrie was so happy that she turned and ran to Goofy.
But at this moment, the man in black in the trash can suddenly twitched, and then he turned to the ground and growled angrily.